
in 2017

  1. Bickert. , Masjuan. , Scherer.
    $\eta$-$\eta'$ Mixing in Large-$N_c$ Chiral Perturbation Theory
    Phys. Rev. D95 (2017) 054023 [DOI] [arXiv]
  2. Megias. , Quiros. , Salas.
    $g_\mu-2$ from Vector-Like Leptons in Warped Space
    JHEP 05 (2017) 016 [DOI] [arXiv]
  3. Di Vita. , Grojean. , Panico. , Riembau. , Vantalon.
    A global view on the Higgs self-coupling
    JHEP 09 (2017) 069 [DOI] [arXiv]
  4. Chala. , Delgado. , Nardini. , Quiros.
    A light sneutrino rescues the light stop
    JHEP 04 (2017) 097 [DOI] [arXiv]
  5. Erler. , Masjuan. , Spiesberger.
    Charm Quark Mass with Calibrated Uncertainty
    Eur. Phys. J. C77 (2017) 99 [DOI] [arXiv]
  6. Golterman. , Maltman. , Peris.
    Chiral extrapolation of the leading hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
    Phys. Rev. D95 (2017) 074509 [DOI] [arXiv]
  7. Golterman. , Maltman. , Peris.
    Determination of the NNLO low-energy constant $C_{93}$
    Phys. Rev. D96 (2017) 054027 [DOI] [arXiv]
  8. Baggioli. , Brattan.
    Drag phenomena from holographic massive gravity
    Class. Quant. Grav. 34 (2017) 015008 [DOI] [arXiv]
  9. Farina. , Panico. , Pappadopulo. , Ruderman. , Torre. , Wulzer.
    Energy helps accuracy: electroweak precision tests at hadron colliders
    Phys. Lett. B772 (2017) 210--215 [DOI] [arXiv]
  10. Espinosa. , Garny. , Konstandin. , Riotto.
    Gauge-Independent Scales Related to the Standard Model Vacuum Instability
    Phys. Rev. D95 (2017) 056004 [DOI] [arXiv]
  11. Capdevila. , Descotes-Genon. , Hofer. , Matias.
    Hadronic uncertainties in $B \to K^* \mu^+ \mu^-$: a state-of-the-art analysis
    JHEP 04 (2017) 016 [DOI] [arXiv]
  12. Baggioli. , Goutéraux. , Kiritsis. , Li.
    Higher derivative corrections to incoherent metallic transport in holography
    JHEP 03 (2017) 170 [DOI] [arXiv]
  13. Megias. , Quiros. , Salas.
    Lepton-flavor universality limits in warped space
    Phys. Rev. D96 (2017) 075030 [DOI] [arXiv]
  14. Megias. , Quiros. , Salas.
    Lepton-flavor universality violation in R$_{K}$ and $ {R}_{D^{{\left(*̊ight)}}} $ from warped space
    JHEP 07 (2017) 102 [DOI] [arXiv]
  15. Peset. , Pineda.
    Model-independent determination of the two-photon exchange contribution to hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen
    JHEP 04 (2017) 060 [DOI] [arXiv]
  16. Baggioli. , Pujolas.
    On holographic disorder-driven metal-insulator transitions
    JHEP 01 (2017) 040 [DOI] [arXiv]
  17. Boito. , Dedonder. , El-Bennich. , Escribano. , Kaminski. , Lesniak. , Loiseau.
    Parametrizations of three-body hadronic $B$- and $D$-decay amplitudes in terms of analytic and unitary meson-meson form factors
    Phys. Rev. D96 (2017) 113003 [DOI] [arXiv]
  18. Horbatsch. , Hessels. , Pineda.
    Proton radius from electron-proton scattering and chiral perturbation theory
    Phys. Rev. C95 (2017) 035203 [DOI] [arXiv]
  19. Masjuan. , Sanchez-Puertas.
    Pseudoscalar-pole contribution to the $(g_{\mu}-2)$: a rational approach
    Phys. Rev. D95 (2017) 054026 [DOI] [arXiv]
  20. Masjuan. , Ruiz Arriola.
    Regge trajectories of Excited Baryons, quark-diquark models and quark-hadron duality
    Phys. Rev. D96 (2017) 054006 [DOI] [arXiv]
  21. Peset. , Pineda. , Stahlhofen.
    Relativistic corrections to the static energy in terms of Wilson loops at weak coupling
    Eur. Phys. J. C77 (2017) 681 [DOI] [arXiv]
  22. Boito. , Golterman. , Maltman. , Peris.
    Strong coupling from hadronic $\tau$ decays: A critical appraisal
    Phys. Rev. D95 (2017) 034024 [DOI] [arXiv]