Talks & Posters

in 2018


Bosman, Martine

  • El Modelo Estándar de la Fīsica de Partīculas, contribuciones experimentales. Talk Talk of admission to the "Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona (RACAB), Barcelona ( Spain), May 2018.
  • La Colaboración ATLAS en el CERN. Talk CERCA Conference, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona ( Spain), May 2018.
  • Experimental highlights from the LHC. Talk XXIV Christmas Workshop, Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT)/ Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid ( Spain), December 2018.

Glatzer, Julian

  • tt+X production at ATLAS and CMS. Talk 53rd Rencontres de Moriond – QCD and High Energy Interactions, La Thuile ( Italy), March 2018.

Juste, Aurelio

  • Searches for new heavy quarks. Talk Large Hadron Collider Physics conference (LHCP2018), Bologna ( Italy), June 2018.
  • Observation of ttH at the LHC. Talk Higgs Days at Santander 2018 Workshop, Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Santander ( Spain), September 2018.
  • Observation of ttH at the LHC. Talk Argentine PH-Institute II, ICAS, Buenos Aires ( Argentina), October 2018.
  • Overview of dark matter searches with ATLAS. Talk 2nd World Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe, Fouillole ( Guadeloupe), June 2018.
  • Search for heavy resonances at the LHC. Talk Spanish LHC Network, CIEMAT, Madrid ( Spain), May 2018.

Mir, Lluisa-Maria

  • Searches for additional charged Higgs bosons in the MSSM. Talk XXXIX International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2018), Seoul ( Korea), July 2018.

Orlando, Nicola

  • Searches for flavor-changing neutral currents in top quark events. Talk 30th Rencontres de Blois, Blois ( France.), June 2018.
  • Top working group report. Talk CERN, Geneva ( Switzerland), February 2018.

Pacheco, Andrés

  • Use of BSC Resources from ATLAS. Talk FPA2016 project: T1/T2 Workshop, December 2018.

Rodríguez, Andrea

  • Test Beam Studies for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Upgrade Readout Electronics. Talk CALOR2018, Eugene, Oregon (USA), May 2018.
  • Search for the superymmetric partner of the top quark in fully hadronic final states at 13 TeV. Poster 26th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY2018), Barcelona (Spain), July 2018.

Riu, Imma

  • ATLAS and CMS Trigger and DAQ upgrades for the High Luminosity LHC. Talk CHEP 2018, Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.

Van Daalen, Tal

  • Performance of the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter. Poster Large Hadron Collider Physics conference (LHCP2018), Bologna ( Italy), June 2018.
  • Searches for Vector-like Quarks with the ATLAS Detector. Talk X CPAN Days, Salamanca ( Spain), October 2018.

ATLAS Pixels Group

Lange, Joern

  • Radiation hardness of 3D pixel sensors up to unprecedented fluences of 3e16 neq/cm2. Talk 6th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop 2017, Zürich (Switzerland), January 2018.

Gkougkousis, Vagelis

  • Experience form the HGTD timing application on laboratory and test beam environment. Talk WaveCatcher and SAMPIC International Workshop, LAL, Orsay (France), February 2018.
  • A High Granularity Timing Detector for the Phase II Upgrade of the ATLAS experiment. Talk Glasgow University, Glasgow (UL), March 2018.

Terzo, Stefano

  • Performance of the monolithic matrices of the H35DEMO chip before and after irradiation. Talk 13th Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors, Munich (Germany), February 2018.
  • Radiation hard Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors with high-resistivity substrate. Talk TWEPP 2018, Antwerp (Belgium), September 2018.

Grieco, Chiara

  • AFP - ATLAS Forward Proton detector. Poster LHCC session, February 28th , CERN, Geneva (Switzerland), February 2018.
  • ATLAS Forward Proton Detector. Poster LHCP 2018, Bologna (Italy), June 2018.

Giannini, Giulia

  • 3D silicon sensors for the High Luminosity upgrade of the ATLAS experiment. Poster 3rd Barcelona Technoweek: course on semiconductor detectors, Barcelona (Italy), July 2018.

Neutrinos Group

Pina Otey, Sebastian

  • Density estimation and parameter inference on scientific simulators via Neural Networks. Poster BiDAS3, bcam, Bilbao (Spain), November 2018.

Leyton, Michael

  • Neutrino geoscience (and more!) with direction-sensitive detectors. Seminar Department of Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawai (US), May 2018.

Lux, Thorsten

  • T2K Near Detector Upgrades and Plans for T2HK. Plenary Talk NuFACT2018, Virginia Tech University, Blacksbourgh (US), August 2018.

Sanchez, Federico

  • New Neutrino Cross-Section Measurements in T2K. Plenary Talk Neutrino 2018, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg (Germany), June 2018.
  • New Radiation detectors. Talk 3rd Barcelona Technoweek, UB, Barcelona (Spain), July 2018.

Gamma Ray Group

Rico, Javier

  • Future Prospects for Indirect Dark Matter Detection. Talk “The Puzzle of Dark Matter” Symposium, DESY-Hamburg, (Germany), October 2018.
  • Dark Matter Searches with Ground-based Cherenkov Gamma-ray Telescopes. Talk Probing the Dark Universe: OAJ-LSC synergies” Workshop, Zaragoza (Spain), October 2018.
  • Dark matter searches with ground based Cherenkov gamma-ray telescopes. Talk 26th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY2018), Barcelona (Spain), July 2018.

Kerszberg, Daniel

  • The High-Energy End of the Cosmic-Ray Electron Spectrum. Talk 2018 TeV Particle Astrophysics conference (TeVPA 2018), Berlin (Germany), August 2018.

Moralejo, Abelardo

  • Gamma-ray observations with imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Talk ISAPP school “LHC meets cosmic rays”, CERN, Geneva (Switzerland), October 2018.

Moretti, Elena

  • The second Fermi LAT GRB catalog: the features of 180 GRBs at high energy. Talk Eighth Fermi Symposium,, Baltimore (USA), October 2018.
  • High energy Gamma Ray Bursts in a new transient multi- messenger era. Talk Quantum Structure of Spacetime, Sofia (Bulgaria), February 2018.

Colak, Merve

  • Using the Crab Pulsar for LIV Studies with the MAGIC Telescope. Talk “Neutron Stars workshop/PHAROS, Rome (Italy), March 2018.

Cosmology Group

Eriksen, Martin

  • Combined constraints on redshift and galaxy parameters with PAUS. Talk Mock Durham: Galaxy formation for Surveys, Durham (UK), April 2018.

Fernandez, Enrique

  • La Expansión Acelerada del Universo. Talk Annual joint meeting of the Numbered and Corresponding Members of the Royal Academy of Science, Alba Synchrotron, Cerdanyola, Barcelona (Spain), April 2018.

Gatti, Marco

  • Curved-Sky Weak Lensing Mass Map with the Dark Energy Survey Y3 data. Talk Statistical Challenges in the era of LSST, Oxford (UK), April 2018.
  • Cosmology with curved-sky weak lensing mass maps. Talk KICP center, University of ChicagoIL, (USA), June 2018.

Kovács, András

  • Integrated Sachs-Wolfe signal from supervoids mapped out by DES. Talk Fundamental cosmology meeting, Granada (Spain), May 2018.
  • More out of less: an excess ISW signal from supervoids in DES. Talk COSMO21 cosmology meeting, Valencia (Spain), May 2018.

Manera, Marc

  • Galaxy bias from phase differences. Talk Statistical Challenges in the era of LSST, Oxford (UK), April 2018.
  • LSS mocks and covariances. Talk Consistency of Cosmological Data Sets, Cambridge (UK), May 2018.
  • The Dark Energy Survey, first year results and 2-point measurements. Talk New York University, New York (USA), May 2018.

Miquel, Ramon

  • Future facilities (telescopes). Talk XLVI International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, Salamanca (Spain), April 2018.
  • The Dark Energy Survey: cosmological results from the first year of observations. Talk XXXIX International Conference on High Energy Physics, Seoul (South Korea), July 2018.
  • Cosmology with galaxy surveys. Talk Symposium Frontiers of Astroparticle Physics, Santa Cruz de La Palma, Tenerife (Spain), October 2018.

Padilla, Cristobal

  • Euclid BCN Contributions: FWA and SDC. Talk RIA-Spacetec Meeting, Madrid (Spain), October 2018.

Prat, Judit

  • Cosmological constraints from lensing ratios using DES Y1 and SPT-SZ data. Talk American Physical Society (APS) April Meeting, Columbus, OH (USA), April 2018.
  • Photometric redshifts and cosmology from weak lensing cross-correlations in DES. Talk University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (USA), June 2018.
  • Photometric redshifts and cosmology from weak lensing cross-correlations in DES. Talk Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (USA), June 2018.
  • Cosmological constraints from lensing ratios using DES Y1 and SPT-SZ data. Talk DES x SPT Workshop, University of Chicago, IL (USA), June 2018.

Vielzeuf, Pauline

  • Clustering-based redshift method in Dark Energy Survey Year 1 analysis. Talk 3rd Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile (Italy), March 2018.
  • Dark Energy Survey Year 1: Analysis from Redshift Calibration to Cosmological Results. Talk Observatoire de Genève, Versoix (Switzerland), June 2018.

Theory Group

Espinosa, José Ramón

  • Implications of Higgs Vacuum Metastability. Talk SISSA, Trieste (Italy), April 2018.
  • Cosmological Signatures of Higgs Vacuum Metastability'. Talk DESY, Hamburg (Germany), May 2018.
  • A fresh look at the calculation of tunneling actions. Talk Bonn Univ., Bonn (Germany), June 2018.
  • A fresh look at the calculation of tunneling actions. Talk Heidelberg Univ., Heidelberg (Germany), November 2018.
  • A fresh look at the calculation of tunneling actions. Talk CERN-TH, Geneva (Switzerland), December 2018.
  • Cosmological Signatures of Higgs Vacuum Metastability'. Talk KEK Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology (KEK-PH2018 winter), KEK, Tsukuba (Japan), December 2018.
  • Cosmological Signatures of Higgs Vacuum Metastability'. Talk Cosmological probes of BSM - from the Big Bang to the LHC,, Bernasque (Spain), May 2018.

Quirós, Mariano

  • $R_{D^{(\ast)}}$ from warped space. Talk From flavor anomalies to direct discoveries of New Physics, CERN-TH, Geneva (Switzerland), October 2018.
  • B-anomalies from warped extra dimensions. Talk ZPW 2018 - Flavors: Light, Heavy and Dar, ETH, University of Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland), January 2018.
  • Natural LFU violation in warped space. Talk Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (USA), December 2018.
  • Elementary Particle Physics: Standard Model or Beyond?´. Talk Colloquium at Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, IN (USA), November 2018.
  • Natural Lepton Flavor Universality Violation. Talk Colloquium at Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, IN (USA), August 2018.
  • Natural Lepton Flavor Universality Violation. Talk Argonne National Laboratory,, Chicago, Illinois (USA), May 2018.
  • Natural Lepton Flavor Universality Violation. Talk Enrico Fermi Insittute, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (USA), May 2018.

Pomarol, Àlex

  • BSM indirect effects in SM physics.. Talk ALPS 2018, University Center Obergurgl, (Austria), April 2018.
  • Supercooling TeV strongly-coupled theories. Talk 7th Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Flavour Physics and the future of BSM physics, Capri (Italy), June 2018.
  • Holographic conformal to non-conformal transition and light scalars.. Talk Gravity, cosmology and physics beyond the Standard Model, Paris (France), June 2018.
  • Conformal to non-conformal transitions, supercooling and axions. Talk Johns Hopkins 42th Workshop on Beyond the Standard Model - Where Do We Go From Here?, Florence (Italy), September 2018.
  • State of the art of Physics Beyond the Standard Model. Summer School Higgs Centre School of Theoretical Physics, Edinburgh (Scotland), July 2018.
  • Beyond the Standard Model Physics. Summer School First Joint ICTP-Trieste/ICTP-SAIFR School on Particle Physics, Sao Paulo (Brazil), July 2018.

Panico, Giuliano

  • BSM Prospects in Higgs Physics at the LHC. Talk 30th Rencontres de Blois: Particle Physics and Cosmology, Blois (France), June 2018.
  • Triple Higgs coupling at lepton colliders. Talk Jornadas de la red española de futuros colisionadores, IFIC, Velancia (Spain), March 2018.
  • Flavor hierarchies from dynamical scales. Talk Bound states in strongly coupled systems conference, GGI, Florence (Italy), March 2018.
  • A global view on the Higgs self-coupling at lepton colliders. Talk CLIC Workshop 2018, CERN, Geneva (Switzerland), January 2018.
  • Electroweak precision tests in High-Energy Diboson Processes. Talk 2nd FCC Physics Workshop, CERN, Geneva (Switzerland), January 2018.

Rompineve, Fabrizio

  • Primordial Black Holes from the QCD axion. Talk IFIC, Velancia (Spain), May 2018.
  • Beyond the standard QCD Axion Cosmology. Talk Universidad de Granada, (Spain), May 2018.
  • Cosmological Probes of BSM. Talk Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, Benasque (Spain), May 2018.
  • Cosmological Probes of BSM. Talk SUSY 2018, Barcelona (Spain), July 2018.

Matias, Joaquim

  • Global fits of b → sll processes, an update. Talk ZPW2018-Flavours: light, heavy and dark,, Zurich (Switzerland), January 2018.
  • A further step towards New Physics. Talk Cracow Epiphany Conference, Cracow (Poland), January 2018.
  • Lepton Flavour Universal Violation, what’s next?. Talk b → sll 2018 Workshop, Max Planck Institute, Munich (Germany), February 2018.
  • Status of Flavour Anomalies and what’s next?. Talk Imperial College, London (UK), March 2018.
  • Course of 2 lessons on Flavour Anomalies. Talk IMFP2018, Salamanca (Spain), April 2018.
  • Directions for improvement in precision for Pi and LFUV observables. Talk TUPIFP workshop, Warwick (UK), April 2018.
  • Theoretical perspective on the flavour anomalies. Talk Lyon conference in Flavour Physics, Lyon (France), April 2018.
  • Flavour anomalies in b → sll processes, where we are and what’s next?. Talk HQL 2018 conference, Yamagata (Japan), May 2018.
  • Flavour anomalies in b → sll processes. Talk Tallin (Estonia), June 2018.
  • Status, new ideas and high-pT impact of flavour anomalies. Talk IPA (Interplay betweeen Particle and Astroparticle physics), Cincinnati (USA), October 2018.

Peris, Santi

  • $\alpha_s$ from non-strange hadronic $\tau$ decay. Talk Univ. of Vienna, Vienna (Austria), March 2018.

Pineda, Antonio

  • Heavy Quarkonium with next-to-next-to-next-to leading logarithmic accuracy. Talk XIIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Maynooth (Irland), July 2018.
  • Atomic physics from effective field theories. Talk Precision Measurements and Fundamental Physics: The proton radius puzzle and beyond, MITP Mainz, Mainz (Germany), July 2018.
  • Renormalons and EFTs/OPE. Talk Interface of Effective Field Theories and Lattice Gauge Theories, MIAPP Munich, Munich (Germany), October 2018.
  • Definition of the heavy quark mass. Talk Interface of Effective Field Theories and Lattice Gauge Theories, MIAPP Munich, Munich (Germany), October 2018.

Pujolàs, Oriol

  • Primordial Black Holes from Axionic Defects. Talk “Paris meeting on Gravity, Cosmology and Physics beyond the Standard Model”, UPMC, Paris (France), June 2018.
  • Black Hole Dark Matter. Talk “Physics at the LHC and Beyond”, CERN Institute, Geneva (Switzerland), August 2018.
  • Primordial black holes from axionic cosmic defects. Talk Seminar of the Bilbao Early Universe Cosmology Group, UPV/EHU, Bilbao (Spain), May 2018.


Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, Antonio

  • Improving efficiency of analysis jobs in CMS. Talk International conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, CHEP 2018, Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.
  • Exploring GlideinWMS and HTCondor scalability frontiers for an expanding CMS Global Pool. Talk Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.
  • Producing Madgraph5_aMC@NLO gridpacks and using TensorFlow GPU resources in the CMS HTCondor Global Pool. Talk Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.
  • Recent developments in glideinWMS: minimizing resource wastages. Talk Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.
  • Improving the Scheduling Efficiency of a Global Multi-core HTCondor Pool in CMS. Talk Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.
  • Pushing HTCondor boundaries: the CMS Global Pool experience. Talk European HTCondor Workshop, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, (Uk), September 2018.

Vedaee, Aresh

  • CRIC: a unified information system for WLCG and beyond. Talk International conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, CHEP 2018, Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.
  • Spanish ATLAS Tier-1 & Tier-2 perspective on computing over the next years. Talk International conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, CHEP 2018, Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.

Torradeflot, Francesc

  • Production and integration at SDC-ES. Talk Simulations Splinter meeting, Euclid annual meeting, Bonn (Germany), June 2018.

Casals, Jordi

  • Extending computing facilities from local to the cloud: hybrid solutions for computing clusters. Talk HEPIX Fall 2018 Workshop, Barcelona (Spain), October 2018.

Carretero, Jorge

  • Astronomy in a Big Data platform. Talk EWASS 2018 - European Week of Astronomy and Space Science., Liverpool (UK), April 2018.
  • PAU Survey data management @ PIC. Poster EWASS 2018 - European Week of Astronomy and Space Science., Liverpool (UK), April 2018.
  • CosmoHub on Hadoop. Poster EWASS 2018 - European Week of Astronomy and Space Science., Liverpool (UK), April 2018.
  • Massive cosmological data generation, analysis and distribution using a Big Data platform: CosmoHub and SciPIC.. Talk BIST Microscopy, Nanoscopy and Image Sciences symposium at ICFO, ICFO, Castelldefels (Spain), February 2018.
  • Cosmological data analysis and data management @ PIC. Talk BIST Advanced Optical Miscroscopy Retreat #2, Montserrat (Spain), September 2018.

Flix, José

  • System performance modelling Working Group update. Talk Grid Deployment Board (GDB), CERN, Geneva (Switzerland), February 2018.
  • HSF-WLCG Cost and Performance Modeling Working Group. Talk HEPIX Spring 2018 Workshop, Madison ( USA), May 2018.
  • PIC site report. Talk HEPIX Spring 2018 Workshop, Madison ( USA), May 2018.
  • Preparation of autumn/fall meeting. Talk HEPIX Board meeting, Madison ( USA), May 2018.
  • System Performance and Cost Modelling in LHC computing. Talk International conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, CHEP 2018, Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.
  • Summary Track 8 - Networks and facilities. Talk International conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, CHEP 2018, Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.
  • Workshop logistics. Talk HEPIX Fall 2018 Workshop, Barcelona (Spain), October 2018.
  • PIC Site Report. Talk HEPIX Fall 2018 Workshop, Barcelona (Spain), October 2018.
  • Cost and system performance modelling in WLCG and HSF: an update. Talk HEPIX Fall 2018 Workshop, Barcelona (Spain), October 2018.
  • Spanish ATLAS Tier-1 & Tier-2 perspective on computing over the next years. Talk International conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, CHEP 2018, Sofia (Bulgaria), July 2018.

Porto, Mari Carmen

  • CPD del Port d’Informació Científica (PIC) con tecnología de inmersión líquida. Talk Foro Grandes Infraestructuras tecnológicas en la nueva era digital: Eficientes energéticamente y sostenibles, Madrid (Spain), November 2018.

Tallada, Pau

  • Gestió de dades estructurades massives amb Big Data. Talk Societat Catalana d'Estadística, June 2018.
  • Massive structured data management on Hadoop andMassive galaxy catalog generation, analysis and distribution on a big data platform. Talk Data Visualization and Exploration in the LSST Era Workshop., Champaign/Chicago (USA), June 2018.