The implementation of active baffles with photo sensors, determining online the distribution of light close to the mirrors would allow for: a much more efficient alignment and fine-tune of the parameters of the interferometer during the commissioning phase after each shutdown period; feeding back the observed light distributions into the simulations and the description of the mirror surface; and the suppression of developing high modes in the interferometer, beyond its fundamental mode, leading to recognizable patterns in the light distribution in the baffles.
In addition, the group is contributing to the development of future alignment/locking strategies for VIRGO, and to the understanding of their relation with the diffused light distribution, that will be needed after the interferometer is upgraded with a new signal recycling system. This promises to increase by at least a factor two the sensitivity of the experiment at large frequencies.
In the physics analysis front, the IFAE team is developing a complete research program using LIGO/VIRGO data, which includes topics related to: