Outreach Activities

in 2019

In 2019 IFAE organized a number of outreach activities:


The outreach team at IFAE developed a Lego activity targeted for different audiences to explain particle physcis processes. The activity was tested in different setups during 2019 like science fairs (Festa de la Ciència in Barcelona, Reseachers Night), educational activities (School Visits, Bojos per la Física)

These activities were developed and executed in collaboration with Pere Masjuan.



On February 7th-11th, 2019 the first Science Biennal will take place in Barcelona. Many science outreach activities took place in the city in different locations. IFAE participated in 2 activities:

  • A Particle Physics masterclass to celebrate the International Day of Women & Girls in Science at the cultural centre Fabra i Coats where 100 students attended. M. Bosman, S. González, S. Kazakos, Ll.-M. Mir, I. Riu, and A. Salvador conducted the activity.
  • 2 Lego workshops at at Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)


IFAE collaborated with the Quantica exhibition at Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) providing materials for the permanent exhibition, such as the original MAGIC-I telescope camera, designed and built at IFAE, or the interactive multimedia installation “Univers Quantic” developed by IFAE. IFAE also participated offering activities such as the family workshop “Construeix l’Univers Peça a Peça”, the children activity Culturnautes, talks and colloquia, and organizing a hackathon to co-develop with artists new visualizations of cosmological data.

More than 80.000 people visited this exhibition, developed together with Arts@CERN to disseminate the Quantum Physics paradigm through the joint creative work of scientists and artists.

“Univers Quàntic” ia an installation was developed by IFAE in collaboration with artist Àlex Posada (MID Studio). It is based on a simulation of particle physics decay processes developed originally in the context of the IFAE Undergraduate Summer Fellowship programme, an initiative to offer exceptional students their first research experience.



One-year educational program targeted for high- school students. 150 students applied. Activity Coordinated in collaboration with ICN2 and Funded by Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera. https://bojos-ciencia.fundaciocatalunya-lapedrera.com/cursos/fisica

  • Aurelio Juste: La física de partícules al detector ATLAS de l’LHC - January 2019
  • Laura Cabayol, Umut Demirbozan, Marco Gatti & Giulia Giannini: Cosmologia Observacional - April 2019
  • Daniel Kerszberg, Daniele Ninci, Elia do Souto, Abelardo Moralejo: Astrofísica amb dades dels telescopis MAGIC de la Palma - March 2019
  • Pere Masjuan: Física de partícules amb Lego - November 2019

5. BIYSC - Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge

Two-week international excellence program for high-school students: https://biysc.org/. IFAE collaborated with the program developing an activity focused on designin and build a cosmic ray detector based on SiPm.

Daniel Kerszberg and Joaquim Palacio tutored the student in this activity developed in collaboration with Òscar Blanch.


IFAE designed a set of educational activities for the yearly educational and social project Culturnautes led by CCCB. The project gives middle-school students from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds the opportunity to spend a week participating in cultural projects. IFAE designed a set of activities combining physics, crafts and role-play to allow the students to approach the topics of the Quantica exhibition from a children’s perspective. 50 kids participated in the activities developed by IFAE. These activities were developed and executed in collaboration with Pere Masjuan.



Web Application for High Energy Astrophysics outreach targeted for high-school students. Activity Funded by FECYT. https://www.cazadoresderayosgamma.com/

  • Òscar Blanch, Sebastián Grinschpun


IFAE offers schools visits through the Escolab project. More than 200 students have viisted IFAE in 2019. More than 10 high-school students have had their first experience in research at IFAE in 20189 through different programs, namely Joves i Ciència, Premis Extraordinaris de Batxillerat and Treballs de Recerca.

PIC is very active in the ESCOLAB program since 2011, an initiative that offers outreach activities for high-schools in the Barcelona area. Josep Flix coordinates the visit program, with the participation of Antonio Pérez-Calero , Jorge Carretero , and Nadia Tonello . Around 600 students have visited PIC in 2018.


Educational activity for undergraduate students that offer a 1-month stay at IFAE in July. 90 applications in 2019. Activity funded by the Severo Ochoa program. https://summerfellowships.ifae.es/

  • Malgorzata Siduek, Martin Eriksen: ‘Determining galaxy properties with PAUS using machine learning’
  • Pol Forn-Díaz: ‘“Backend software for superconducting quantum computers”’
  • Pere Masjuan: ‘Particle Physics Simulations’
  • Martine Bosman ‘Particle Physics with the ATLAS Experiment’
  • Abelardo Moralejo: ‘High Energy Astrophysics with the MAGIC Telescopes’,
  • Sebastián Grinstein: ‘Characterization of Pixel Detectors’
  • Manuel Delfino: ‘Feasibility study of using Big Data platform to analyze MAGIC telescope gamma-ray data’


IFAE researchers have given more than 50 outreach talks in 2019 in the context of different outreach programs, , the Science at School Day, the Science Week, and science fairs like Ciència entre Tots and Festa de la Ciència.

  • Pol Forn-Díaz, Exhibition at technological fair, Demo unit of dilution refrigerator, Sonar+D, Barcelona, Spain. July 2019.
  • Pol Forn-Díaz, Public lecture, “Computació quàntica catalana", Pint of Science, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Spain. May 2019.
  • Pol Forn-Díaz, Guest speaker, Round table “Jornada cuántica", Col·legi Oficial d’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. May 2019.
  • Pol Forn-Díaz, Public lecture, “Quantum Computers", Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), within exhibit Quantica, Barcelona, Spain. May 2019.
  • Pol Forn-Díaz, Participated at exhibition “Quantica providing” laboratory material and the writing of information for some panels. April-Septembre 2019.
  • David López, Bricocuántica. ¿Cómo hacer un ordenador cuántico?. 26 setembre - Matí de Recerca Jove - Escola C.E. Dolmen (xerrada de divulgació d'1 hora a instituts)
  • David López, Bricocuántica. ¿Cómo hacer un ordenador cuántico?. 27 setembre - Nit de Recerca Jove - Residència d’Investigadors del CSIC (xerrada de divulgació de 8 minuts)
  • Pablo Sanchez, “REDTOP : un nou experiment per cercar física més enllà del Model Estàndard”, Article at UAB Divulga
  • Rafel Escribano, “L’ALBA i l’LHC, dues eines útils per a la ciència i la tecnologia”, Setmana de la Ciència 2019, 13/11/2019, Institut Manuel Raspall, Cardedeu
  • Pere Masjuan, LEGO Universe. Jornadas Divulgación Innovadora Zaragoza. City accrediting entity: Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain 29/11/2019.
  • Pere Masjuan, Nit de la recerca en directe, CosmoCaixa Barcelona, Barcelona. 27/09/2019
  • Pere Masjuan, Seminar Les Fronteres de la Realitat, Mataró, Catalonia, Spain. 24/09/2019
  • Danaisis Vargas, CERN Open Days, 09/2019
  • Danaisis Vargas, Spanish Language Teacher Program Latin America, July 2019, CERN
  • Oscar Blanch, “Neutrins i raigs gamma de la mà”, talk to the astronomical amateur association ASTER, Barcelona, March 2019
  • Oscar Blanch, “L’Univers”, talk at Institut Doctor Puigvert for high-school students. Barcelona, 8 and 10 October 2019
  • Oscar Blanch, Carlos Delgado, “Puesta en marcha del primer Large Size Telescope de CTA”, article in “Boletín de la SEA”, issue of Summer 2019
  • Manel Martinez: Public Outreach Lecture “Challenging Einstein with Gamma Rays”, at Rijeka Observatory, July 2019
  • S.M. Colak: Introduction to MAGIC Telescopes and Introduction to Pulsars presentations at BIYSC at IFAE in July 2019
  • S.M. Colak, O. Blanch, E. Moretti, C. Priyadarshi : Introduction to MAGIC Telescopes presentation at Summer Students Visit to IFAE, July 2019
  • Chiara Grieco, “Cern and LHC: exploring the Energy frontier”, Outreach talk at Institut Ramon Barbat i Miracle (Tarragona), 11/02/2019, Dia De la Dona i Ciencia 2019
  • Chiara Grieco, “Cern and LHC: exploring the Energy frontier” Outreach talk at Escola Pia Mataró (Mataró) 26/09/2019, Matí de la Recerca 2019
  • Lucía Castillo García, “Fast timing detectors for High Energy Physics Experiments” Outreach talk at Biblioteca Sagrada Familia (Barcelona), 28/09/2019, Nit de la Recerca 2019
  • Sebastián Grinstein, “Ciencia y Pseudociencia” Outreach talk at Sant Cugat del Vallès del 20 al 22 de mayo de 2019, 20/05/2019, PINT OF SCIENCE ESPAÑA
  • Sebastián Grinstein, “Ciencia, Pseudociencia y Sexismo”, Escuela Creanova, 30/09/2019, Matí de la Recerca, 2019
  • E. Massó, popular article “QueŽ sabemos del universo?” published in La Maleta de Portbou, num. 38, noviembre-diciembre 2019
  • E. Massó, talk “Qué sabemos del universo?” given at LOOP video-art festival in Hotel Almanac Barcelona, 20th November 2019
  • Laura Cabayol, “Què sabem de l’univers”, activity at high school, Barcelona (Spain), April 2019.
  • Laura Cabayol, “L’energia fosca”, talk at high school, Mollet del Vallès (Spain), September 2019.
  • Laura Cabayol, “L’energia fosca”, talk at high school, Capellades (Spain), November 2019.
  • Laura Cabayol, “Com prenem mesures els astrofísics?”, talk at high school, Capellades (Spain), November 2019.
  • Martin Eriksen, “Analysis of time series in astronomy”, AI Saturdays, Barcelona (Spain), January 2019.
  • Martin Eriksen, “Machine learning in astronomy”, AI Saturdays, Barcelona (Spain), May 2019.
  • Giulia Giannini, “Desde el cosmos a las partículas”, 100tífiques talk at high school, Vila-Seca (Spain), February 2019.
  • Enrique Fernández, “Agujeros Negros”, XXXII Semana Negra de Gijón, Gijón (Spain), July 2019.
  • Marc Manera, Workshop “Build the universe galaxy to galaxy,” Festa de la Ciència, Barcelona (Spain), November 2019.
  • Ramon Miquel, “Observant l’univers invisible: Resultats del Dark Energy Survey”, talk within the course “Una dècada d’aportacions catalanes a la ciència”, Barcelona (Spain), January 2019.
  • Ramon Miquel, “Observant l’univers invisible: Resultats del Dark Energy Survey”, talk at the Sabadell Astronomical Association, Sabadell (Spain), May 2019.
  • Judit Prat, “L’energia fosca”, talk at high school, Matadepera (Spain), January 2019.
  • Malgorzata Siudek, “How to galaxies evolve over cosmic time?”, Pints of science, Barcelona (Spain), May 2019.
  • D. Bogavac, CERN guide during CERN Open Days, September 14-15, 2019.
  • M. Bosman, “De qué esta hecha la materia? El mundo de las partículas elementales”, Diálogos de Ateneo, Teatro Riera, Villaviciosa, Spain, August, August 8, 2019.
  • A. Juste, “Futuro cuántico, ¿la próxima revolución tecnológica?, Conversación con Antonio Acín, Aurelio Juste y Clivia Sotomayor”, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Barcelona, April 13, 2019.
  • A. Juste, “Un Universo Insólito”, Pint of Science, Cal Temerari, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Spain, May 21, 2019.
  • S. Kazakos and A. Salvador, Regular guided CERN visits.
  • M. Bosman, “Los aceleradores de partículas para el estudio de la física de partículas y aplicaciones en la sociedad”, IES Castellar del Vallès, Castellar del Valles, Spain, March 13, 2019.
  • S. Kazakos, ATLAS Master Class in particle physics within the “Bojos per la Física” (Mad About Physics) educational program, IFAE, Bellaterra, Spain, January 19, 2019.
  • A. Juste, outreach talk to high-school students within the “Bojos per la Física” (Mad About Physics) educational program: “El universo cuántico a tu alcance”, IFAE, Bellaterra, Spain, January 19, 2019.
  • A. Juste, outreach talk at high schools within the program “Matí de la recerca a les escoles i els instituts”: “Un Universo Insólito”, Instituto Pere Calders, Bellaterra, Spain, September 26, 2019.
  • M. Martínez: “Introduction to Particle Physics”, Spanish High-School Students Internship Programme 2019, CERN, Switzerland, September 29 – October 12, 2019.