
in 2019

  1. Peris. , Boito. , Golterman. , Maltman.
    $α_s$ from non-strange hadronic $τ$ decays
    PoS ALPHAS2019 (2019) 018 [DOI]
  2. Alekhin. , others.
    $α_s$(2019) discussions summary
    PoS ALPHAS2019 (2019) 026 [DOI]

  3. $α_s$(2019): Precision measurements of the QCD coupling
  4. Wu. , Casanova. , Wei. , Wei. , Zhang. , Zhang. , Li. , Liang. , Costa. , Lu. , Dong. , Li. , Jia. , Zheng. , Yang. , Huang. , Grinstein.
    A full functional Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor prototype for the CEPC vertex detector
  5. Tatischeff. , others.
    All-Sky-ASTROGAM: The MeV Gamma-Ray Companion to Multimessenger Astronomy
  6. Erler. , Masjuan. , Spiesberger.
    Charm Quark Mass with Calibrated Uncertainty
    PoS ICHEP2018 (2019) 258 [DOI]
  7. Oakes. , others.
    Combined Dark Matter searches towards dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT, HAWC, HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS
    PoS ICRC2019 (2020) 012 [DOI] [arXiv]
  8. Aad. , et al., ATLAS Collaboration
    Evidence for the production of three massive vectorbosons in $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector
    PoS DIS2019 (2019) 135 [DOI]
  9. Aubin. , Blum. , Golterman. , Jung. , Peris. , Tu.
    Hadronic vacuum polarization in finite volume using NNLO ChPT
    PoS LATTICE2019 (2019) 102 [arXiv]
  10. Tarrs Castell.
    Heavy hybrids and tetraquarks in effective field theory
    EPJ Web Conf. 202 (2019) 01005 [DOI] [arXiv]
  11. Ayala. , Lobregat. , Pineda.
    Hyperasymptotic approximation to the operator product expansion
  12. Di Pierro. , et al., CTA Consortium Collaboration
    Monte Carlo Studies of Combined MAGIC and LST1 Observations
    PoS ICRC2019 (2020) 659 [DOI] [arXiv]
  13. Loiseau. , Boito. , Dedonder. , El-Bennich. , Escribano. , Kaminski. , Lesniak.
    Parametrizations of three-body hadronic $B$- and $D$-decay amplitudes
    EPJ Web Conf. 202 (2019) 06014 [DOI] [arXiv]
  14. Kampf. , Novotn. , Sanchez-Puertas.
    Radiative corrections to double-Dalitz decays revisited
    Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) 056010 [DOI] [arXiv]
  15. Ballester. , others.
    Raman LIDARs for the atmospheric calibration along the line-of-sight of CTA
    PoS ICRC2019 (2020) 814 [DOI] [arXiv]
  16. Boito. , Masjuan. , Oliani.
    Renormalization-group improvement in hadronic $τ$ decays in 2018
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1 (2019) 049 [DOI] [arXiv]
  17. Cerri. , others.
    Report from Working Group 4
    CERN Yellow Rep. Monogr. 7 (2019) 867--1158 [DOI] [arXiv]
  18. Ninci. , et al., MAGIC Collaboration
    Search for Dark Matter decay signals in the Galactic Halo with the MAGIC telescopes
    PoS ICRC2019 (2020) 538 [DOI] [arXiv]
  19. Masjuan.
    Status of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in spring 2019
    Frascati Phys. Ser. 69 (2019) 25--30
  20. Altmannshofer. , et al., Belle-II Collaboration
    The Belle II Physics Book
    PTEP 2019 (2019) 123C01 [DOI] [arXiv]
  21. Donini. , et al., CTA Consortium Collaboration
    The Cherenkov Telescope Array Performance in Divergent Mode
    PoS ICRC2019 (2020) 664 [DOI] [arXiv]
  22. Fioretti. , et al., CTA Consortium Collaboration
    The Cherenkov Telescope Array sensitivity to the transient sky
    PoS ICRC2019 (2020) 673 [DOI] [arXiv]
  23. Golterman. , Boito. , Keshavarzi. , Maltman. , Nomura. , Peris. , Teubner.
    The strong coupling from $e^+e^- \to$ hadrons
    PoS ALPHAS2019 (2019) 004 [DOI]
  24. Boito. , Golterman. , Keshavarzi. , Maltman. , Nomura. , Peris. , Teubner.
    The strong coupling from $e^+e^-\to$~hadrons
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1 (2019) 035 [DOI] [arXiv]
  25. Doro. , Nigro. , Prandini. , Tramacere. , Delfino. , Delgado. , Souto. , Jouvin. , Rico.
    Toward a Public MAGIC Gamma-Ray Telescope Legacy Data Portal
    PoS ICRC2019 (2020) 666 [DOI] [arXiv]