
in 2020

  1. et al.,
    Reactor monitoring with direction-sensitive detectors,
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 1342 (1): 012031-012031 (2020) [DOI]
  2. Y. Leung et al.,
    The Diffuse Light Envelope of Luminous Red Galaxies,
    Research Notes Of The Aas. 4 (10): 174-174 (2020) [DOI] [ARXIV]
  3. Babic, Ana et al.,
    Unravelling the complex behavior of Mrk421 with simultaneous X-ray and VHE observations during an extreme flaring activity in April 2013,
    Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2019 624- (2020) [DOI]
  4. Becerra Gonzalez, Josefa et al.,
    Study of persistent VHE Gamma-ray Emission Detected with the MAGIC Telescopes from PKS 1510-089, during Low Flux States Detected by Fermi-LAT,
    Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2019 629- (2020) [DOI]
  5. De Angelis, A et al.,
    All-Sky-ASTROGAM: a MeV Companion for Multimessenger Astrophysics,
    Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2019 579-579 (2020) [DOI]
  6. García et al.,
    A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS Calorimeter system: detector concept, description, R&D and beam test results,
    Journal Of Instrumentation. 15 (9): C09047- (2020) [DOI]
  7. Prathapan, Mridula et al.,
    ATLASpix3 : A high voltage CMOS sensor chip designed for ATLAS Inner Tracker,
    Proceedings Of Science. TWEPP2019 010- (2020) [DOI]
  8. Casanova, Raimon et al.,
    A Monitoring 12-bits Fully Differential Second Order Incremental Delta Sigma Converter ADC for TimePIx4,
    Proceedings Of Science. TWEPP2019 018- (2020) [DOI]
  9. Reichmann, M et al.,
    New test beam results of 3D and pad detectors constructed with poly-crystalline CVD diamond,
    Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment. 958 162675- (2020) [DOI]
  10. Casado et al.,
    HL-LHC physics with the ATLAS detector,
    Nuclear And Particle Physics Proceedings. 309 43-48 (2020) [DOI]
  11. Ayala, C et al.,
    Hyperasymptotic approximation to the operator product expansion,
    Nuclear And Particle Physics Proceedings. 309 77-86 (2020) [DOI] [ARXIV]
  12. Boito, D et al.,
    Higher-order QCD corrections to hadronic τ decays from Padé approximants,
    Nuclear And Particle Physics Proceedings. 309 93-98 (2020) [DOI]
  13. Doro M et al.,
    Perseus - A Huge Reservoir of Dark Matter investigated with MAGIC,
    Proceedings Of The International Astronomical Union. 14 (S342): 141-144 (2020) [DOI]
  14. Nozaki, S et al.,
    The readout system based on the ultra-fast waveform sampler DRS4 for the Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array,
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 1468 12104- (2020) [DOI]
  15. Ohishi, M et al.,
    Inuence of uncertainty in hadronic interaction models on the sensitivity estimation of cherenkov telescope array,
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 1468 12073- (2020) [DOI]
  16. Jimenez J et al.,
    Cryo-vacuum system for low temperature thermal cycling of MCT detectors,
    Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering. 11451 (2020) [DOI]
  17. Nozaki, S et al.,
    Calibration and performance of the readout system based on switched capacitor arrays for the Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array,
    Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering. 11447 114470H- (2020) [DOI] [ARXIV]
  18. Acosta-Silva, C et al.,
    Exploiting network restricted compute resources with HT-Condor: a CMS experiment experience,
    Epj Web Of Conferences. 245 09007-09007 (2020) [DOI]
  19. Peris, AD et al.,
    CMS data access and usage studies at PIC Tier-1 and CIEMAT Tier-2,
    Epj Web Of Conferences. 245 04028-04028 (2020) [DOI]
  20. De la Hoz, SG et al.,
    Computing activities at the Spanish Tier-1 and Tier-2s for the ATLAS experiment towards the LHC Run3 and High-Luminosity periods,
    Epj Web Of Conferences. 245 7027-07027 (2020) [DOI]
  21. Boito, D et al.,
    The strong coupling from e+e- → hadrons below charm threshold,
    European Physical Society Conference On High Energy Physics, Eps-Hep2019. 473- (2020)
  22. Castellà et al.,
    Spin structure of heavy-quark hybrids,
    Aip Conference Proceedings. 2249 20008- (2020) [DOI] [ARXIV]
  23. et al.,
    Clustering-redshift methodology in dark energy survey year 1 analysis,
    Proceedings Of The 53rd Rencontres De Moriond On Cosmology 2018. 83-86 (2020)
  24. Castellá et al.,
    Hadronic transitions in quarkonium,
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 1667 12017- (2020) [DOI]
  25. Madrenas J et al.,
    Towards efficient and adaptive cyber physical spiking neural integrated systems,
    Icecs 2020 - 27th Ieee International Conference On Electronics, Circuits And Systems, Proceedings. (2020) [DOI]
  26. Sanchez-Chiva, JM et al.,
    A test setup for the characterization of Lorentz-force MEMS magnetometers,
    2020 27th Ieee International Conference On Electronics, Circuits And Systems (Icecs). (2020) [DOI]
  27. Acosta-Silva, C et al.,
    Lightweight site federation for CMS support,
    Epj Web Of Conferences. 245 03013-03013 (2020) [DOI]