Talks & Posters

in 2020


Bogavac, Daniela

  • Tile status report. Talk ATLAS Collaboration Week (online), February 2020.
  • Tile status report. Talk ATLAS Collaboration Week (online), June 2020.

González, Sergio

  • Measurements of luminosity in ATLAS with Tile calorimeter”. Poster ICHEP 2020, Prague, Czech Republic July 2020.
  • Search for new phenomena in mono-X final states using pp collision data collected in Run-2 by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC”. Poster ICHEP 2020, Prague, Czech Republic July 2020.
  • TileCal luminosity. Talk Tilecal Calibration, Data Preparation and Performance session, TileCal Week (online) ( CERN), October 2020.
  • Searches for dark matter with ATLAS”. Talk 3rd South American Dark Matter Workshop (online), ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo ( Brazil), December 2020.

Kazakos, Stergios

  • New flavor violating 2HDM multiℓ+multi-bjets search”. Talk ATLAS Uncovered signatures + Run 3 opportunities workshop, CERN, Switzerland July 2020.
  • Search for leptoquark pair production through tτtτ final states with full Run-2 dataset”. Talk 4th Red LHC Workshop (online), IFT, UAM Campus ( Madrid), November 2020.

Muñoz, José Luis

  • New results for mono-jet searches with full Run 2 data”. Talk 4th Red LHC Workshop (online), IFT, UAM Campus ( Madrid), November 2020.

Orlando, Nicola

  • Search for BSM top-quark decays using a staged analysis strategy”. Talk ATLAS HDBS Workshop (online), September 2020.

Salvador, Adrià

  • New results of the H+🡪tb search using full Run-2 data with the ATLAS detector”. Poster ICHEP 2020, Prague, Czech Republic August 2020.
  • H+🡪tb search results using full Run 2”. Talk ATLAS HDBS Workshop (online), September 2020.
  • New results of the H+->tb search with full Run-2 data”. Talk 4th Red LHC Workshop (online), IFT, UAM Campus ( Madrid), November 2020.

Juste, Aurelio

  • New Physics Searches at ATLAS and CMS. Master seminar Frontier Research in Astrophysics and Particle Physics Seminar, Master interuniversitario (UC-UIMP) en física de partículas y del cosmos, Instituto de Física de Cantabria,, Santander (Spain), May 2020.

ATLAS Pixels Group

Grieco, Chiara

  • A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS Calorimeter system: beam test results. Talk 8th Beam Telescope and Test Beams Workshop, Tbilisi, Georgia January 2020.

Castillo, Lucia

  • A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS Calorimeter System: detector concept, description and R&D and beam test results. Talk Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics (INSTR20), Novosibirsk, Russia Febuary 2020.

Grinstein, Sebastian

  • Novel high voltage and resistive CMOS sensors. Talk AIDA-2020 Final Annual meeting, Valencia, Spain (but video only) April 2020.
  • A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade. Talk Vertex 2020, Virtual October 2020.

Terzo, Stefano

  • ATLAS ITk Pixel Detector Overview. Talk ICHEP 2020, Prague (but virtual) July 2020.

Gamma Ray Group

Nigro, Cosimo

  • Standardisation of Data Formats in Gamma-ray astronomy. Talk Birds of a Feather (BoF) Session, XXX Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS XXX) conference, Remote Event, November 2020.
  • Open-source AGN modelling tools in python. Talk MAGIC extragalactic physics meeting, UB, Barcelona (Spain), January 2020.
  • EBL sample conversion to DL3. Talk MAGIC extragalactic physics meeting, UB, Barcelona (Spain), January 2020.

Kerszberg, Daniel

  • Fundamental physics results with the MAGIC telescopes. Talk IPARCOS, UCM, Madrid (Spain), February 2020.
  • Transients and the search for news physics with the MAGIC telescopes and the future LSTs. Talk LAPP, Annecy (France), February 2020.

Moralejo, Abelardo

  • EBL studies with GRB 190114C. Talk MAGIC extragalactic physics meeting, UB, Barcelona (Spain), January 2020.

Cosmology Group

Font-Ribera, Andreu

  • Final cosmology results from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,. Talk ETH Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland), October 2020.

Giannini, Giulia

  • Redshift estimation techniques for the Dark Energy Survey Y3 data. Talk Cosmology from Home 2020 , August 2020.

The Virgo Group

Martínez, Mario

  • Overview of IFAE activities on GW Physics and Instrumentation in Virgo. Talk Virtual Iberian Gravitational Waves Meeting 2020, Barcelona (Spain), October 2020.
  • Instrumented baffles for Virgo, . Talk Virtual LVK Collaboration Meeting, Lake Geneva (USA), March 2020.

Romero, Alba

  • Parametric study of stochastic GWs produced by cosmological First Order Phase Transitions (FOPTs). Talk Virgo Week, April 2020.
  • First Order Phase Transition signals in O3 data. Talk Virgo Week, November 2020.
  • Phase transitions. Talk 2020 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration Meeting, September 2020.
  • Environmental noise report. Talk 2020 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration Meeting, March 2020.
  • Determination of the laser power on the photosensors for the IMC instrumented baffle. Poster 2020 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration Meeting, March 2020.

Menendez, Alexis

  • Compact binary signal detection using convolutional neural networks. Talk Virgo Week, April 2020.
  • Low mass CBC events detection using convolutional neural networks (CNN). Talk Virgo Week, November 2020.
  • Compact binary signals detection using convolutional neural networks. Talk Virgo Week, January 2020.
  • Compact binary signal detection using convolutional neural networks. Talk Virgo Week, July 2020.
  • Detection of CBC events in O3a using a convolutional neural network. Talk 2020 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration Meeting, September 2020.
  • Compact binary signal detection using convolutional neural networks. Poster 2020 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration Meeting, March 2020.

Karathanasis, Christos

  • Parameter estimation of CBC's and H0 determination using GW data.. Talk Virgo Week, January 2020.
  • Upgrading GWcosmo towards O3 H0 estimation.. Talk Virgo Week, July 2020.
  • Gwcosmo updates and development plans. Talk 2020 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration Meeting, September 2020.

Mir, Luïsa

  • SLC: status and plans. Talk Virgo Week, July 2020.

Quantum Computing Technologies Group

Forn-Díaz, Pol

  • A superconducting qubit as a universal approximant. Invited Talk XXVI IFT Christmas Workshop, Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC, Madrid (Spain), December 2020.
  • The SiUCs consortium: Superinductor-Based Quantum Technologies with Ultrastrong Couplings. Invited Talk Workshop on Prospects of Ultrastrong light-matter interactions, Chalmers, Göteborg (Sweden), September 2020.
  • Introduction to Experimental Quantum Computing. Invited Lecturer Santander School on Quantum Computing, Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo, Santander (Spain), September 2020.

Theory Group

Peris, Santi

  • Finite-Volume effects in the Effective Field Theory of $a^{HVP}_\mu$. Talk Workshop on The hadronic vacuum polarization from lattice QCD at high precision, Online November 2020.

Pineda, Antonio

  • Potential NRQE(C)D: Matching (NR)QE(C)D and the Schroedinger equation. Talk EFT methods from Bound States to Binary Systems, October 2020.
  • Hyperasymptotic expansion of the plaquette and static potential. Talk QCD 20 23th International Conference 35 years later, Montpellier October 2020.

Escribano, Rafel

  • (So far) Contribution of IFAE/UAB to HaSP. Talk HaSP meeting: Theoretical Aspects of Hadron Spectroscopy and Phenomenology, December 2020.

Pujolàs, Oriol

  • Probing axion physics with LIGO/Virgo. Talk Virtual Iberian Gravitational Wave Meeting, October 2020.

Pomarol, Alex

  • Axion mass from the UV. Talk COST Workshop: Probing BSM physics at different scales, Berlin (Germany),
  • Two tales on axions. Talk Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology (KEK- PH2020), KEK, (Japan),

von Harling, Benedict

  • Peccei-Quinn Phase Transition at LIGO. Talk COST Workshop: Probing BSM physics at different scales,, Berlin (Germany), January 2020.
  • Baryogenesis from axion inflation. Talk CERN workshop Zooming in on Axions in the Early Universe, June 2020.

Masjuan, Pere

  • The status and prospects of the muon g-2. Talk XXXIV annual meeting of The Division of Particles and Fields of the Mexican Physical Society,


Flix, Josep

  • PIC report”, HEPIX Autumn Virtual Workshop, October 2020. Talk
  • HTCondor 2020 workshop report”, HEPIX Autumn Virtual Workshop, October 2020. Talk
  • Spanish WLCG sites contributions to COVID-19”, GDB, May 2020. Talk
  • HPCs with no connectivity from compute nodes - An update from BSC case”, CMS Offline and Computing week, April 2020. Talk
  • HPCs with no connectivity from compute nodes - The BSC case & challenges”, CMS Offline and Computing week, March 2020. Talk
  • COVID-19 impact on PIC Operations”, WLCG Management Board, March 2020. Talk
  • Resource Management Office report”, CMS Compute Resource Board, February 2020. Talk

Pérez-Calero, Antonio

  • Integration of BSC resources into PIC for CMS operations”, CMS Offline and Computing week, October 2020. Talk
  • Submission Infrastructure update at the 2020 Fall O&C week”, CMS Offline and Computing week, October 2020. Talk
  • Resource provisioning and workload scheduling of CMS Offline Computing”, International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2020), July 2020. Talk
  • Folding@Home in CMS”, Plenary Session, CMS Collaboration Week, June 2020. Talk
  • Heterogeneous resources integration to CMS WM and SI”, HSF WLCG Virtual Workshop on New Architectures, Portability and Sustainability, May 2020. Talk
  • Folding@Home in CMS”, GDB, May 2020. Talk
  • Submission Infrastructure update”, CMS Offline and Computing week, April 2020. Talk

Neissner, Christian

  • BIST Winter School, Telescope optics: Photometry, spectroscopy, low resolution spectroscopy”, February 2020. Talk