Outreach Activities

in 2021

In 2021 IFAE organized a number of outreach activities:


One-year educational program targeted for high- school students. 150 students applied. Activity Coordinated in collaboration with ICN2 and Funded by Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera. https://bojos-ciencia.fundaciocatalunya-lapedrera.com/cursos/fisica

  • Aurelio Juste: La física de partícules al detector ATLAS de l’LHC - January 2019
  • Giulia Giannini, Umut Demirbozan, César Ramírez: Cosmologia Observacional - April 2019
  • Abelardo Moralejo: Astrofísica amb dades dels telescopis MAGIC de la Palma - March 2019


Educational activity for undergraduate students that offer a 1-month stay at IFAE in July. 60 applications in 2021. Activity funded by the Severo Ochoa program. https://summerfellowships.ifae.es/

  • Sebastián Grinstein: “Characterization of Pixel Detectors”
  • Martin Eriksen“Determining galaxy properties with PAUS using machine learning”
  • Martine Bosman: “Simulation of COVID-19 propagation group”
  • Malgorzata Siduek: “The effect of the environment on the stellar mass-size relation in VIPERS galaxies”
  • Imma Riu:“Particle Physics with the ATLAS Experiment @ the LHC”
  • Pol Forn-Díaz: “Superconducting quantum computers”
  • Mario Martínez“Gravitational Waves detection with the Virgo Interferometer”
  • Abelardo Moralejo: “Early observations with the CTA_LST-1 gamma-ray telescope”
  • Pere Masjuan“Particle physics for the early universe and beyond”


The Angeleta Ferrer Institute is Catalonia’s first STEAM centre for secondary and baccalaureate students, focusing on science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). The barcelona Institute for Science & Technology (BIST) collaborates with the Generalitat’s Department of Education on this project, with the participation of the Barcelona Education Consortium.

IFAE designed and executed several educational activities in the center in 2021.

4. BIYSC - Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge

Two-week international excellence program for high-school students: https://biysc.org/. IFAE collaborated with the program developing an activity focused on designin and build a cosmic ray detector based on SiPm.

Activity cancelled in 2021 because of the COVID pandemic.


Web Application for High Energy Astrophysics outreach targeted for high-school students. Activity Funded by FECYT. https://www.cazadoresderayosgamma.com/

  • Òscar Blanch, Sebastián Grinschpun


The outreach team in collaboration with Pere Masjuan at IFAE developed a Lego activity targeted for different audiences to explain particle physcis processes.


IFAE researchers have given more than 30 outreach talks in 2021 in the context of different outreach programs, , the Science at School Day, the Science Week, and science fairs like Ciència entre Tots and Festa de la Ciència.

  • D. Blas participated in the Dark-day session at Universitat de Barcelona, 28 Nov 2021.
  • D. Blas participated in the “CPT Symmetry and Violations” round table organized by MACBA Barcelona. Tuesday 14, December 2021
  • E.I. Sfakianakis gave a talk for the general public titled “Exploring the Big Bang” at the European Researchers’ night 2021, 24 September, 2021, Barcelona
  • V. Vaskonen gave a (online) talk titled “Career as a researcher” at Kiuruvesi high school, Finland, November 8, 2021
  • P. Masjuan, “Com la física pot ajudar a entendre la pandèmia de la COVID-19”, Dissabtes de la Física, UAB, 13th of February
  • P. Masjuan, ““Construim l’Univers peça a peça”, Dissabtes de la Física, UAB, 27th of February
  • P. Masjuan, ““De què està fet el Sistema Solar?”, Escola Municipal Salvador Llobet, Granollers, 5th of May
  • P. Masjuan, " The Standard Model of Particle Physics and explained the latest results in Flavor Physics and the muon g-2 experiment”, Bojos per la física, IFAE, 6th of June
  • P. Masjuan, , “Simulating the expansion of the COVID-19 outbreak: a risk forecast tool considering socioeconomic and gender inequalities in Barcelona”, at the Biennal Ciutat i Ciencia 2021, Vespres de recerca - Benestar social i alimentació sostenible, 8th of June.
  • P. Masjuan, “Quantum Universe”, ONLINE Spanish Teacher Programme 2 – Programa español online del CERN para profesores, 27th of July.
  • P. Masjuan, “Master on High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology: an overview”, at Fira de Màsters UAB, 6th of October.
  • P. Masjuan, “Activitat: L’Univers a escala”, Institut Angeleta Ferrer, 27th of October.
  • C. Grieco, “From Universe to particle physics”, Escola Sant Gervasi Cooperativa (Mollet del valles) 11/02/2021Dia De la Dona i Ciencia 2021
  • S. Grinstein, “Experimentos en el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones del CERN”Laboratorio Cero 10/7/2/2021
  • C. Gordon, “Bojos per la Física”, tutor in cosmology course at IFAE, May 2021.
  • G. Giannini, “How to study the evolution of the Universe”, 100tífiques talk at high school, Barcelona (Spain), February 2021
  • G. Giannini, “What is dark energy”, outreach talk at Bojos per la Física, IFAE, May 2021.
  • C. Ramírez. “Bojos per la Física”, tutor in cosmology course at IFAE, May 2021.
  • M. Siudek. “Galaxy evolution”, 100tífiques talk at high school, Barcelona (Spain), February 2020
  • D. Lopez, Xerrada a la facultat de telecomunacions sobre computació quàntica (28 gener).
  • D. Lopez, Bojos per la Supercomputació (13 Març)
  • D. Lopez, Bojos per la Física (19 Juny)
  • D. Lopez, Xerrada a la Nit de Recerca 2021 el (23 de setembre)
  • D. Lopez, Gravació vídeo al canal de What The Física de l’ICN2 (27 Octubre) - no publicat encara
  • D. Lopez, BIST School Session (16 Novembre) F. Zwiehoff, Quantum Barcelona organizing team. We organize meetups and talks for the broader public: https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-quantumbarcelona/.
  • A. Torras, Master Studnets and High-School studnets vists to the QCT lab at IFAE