About IFAE
Scientific Activities
Institutional Activities
Tech. Transfer
Annual Report 2021
in 2021
et al.
ATLAS ITk pixel detector overview
Proceedings Of Science. 390 (2021)
Gkougkousis, E - L et al.
Comprehensive technology study of radiation hard LGADs
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2374 (2021)
Aubin, Christopher et al.
The muon g-2 with four flavors of staggered quarks
Proceedings Of Science. LATTICE2021 161- (2021)
Maggio, Camilla et al.
Upper limits on the WIMP annihilation cross section from a joint analysis of dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxy observations with the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 512- (2021)
D’Ammando, Filippo et al.
Multiwavelength observations in 2019-2020 of a new very-high-energy $\gamma$-ray emitter: the flat spectrum radio quasar QSO B1420+326
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 775- (2021)
Fukami, Satoshi et al.
Very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from GRB 201216C detected by MAGIC
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 788- (2021)
López-Oramas, Alicia et al.
Monitoring the magnetar SGR 1935+2154 with the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 783- (2021)
Suda, Yusuke et al.
Observation of a relatively low luminosity long duration GRB 201015A by the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 797- (2021)
Di Tria, Riccardo et al.
Analysis of the W 44 Supernova Remnant and its surroundings with Fermi-LAT and MAGIC
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 642- (2021)
Acciari, Victor A et al.
Recent MAGIC results on Galactic binaries
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 786- (2021)
Delgado, Carlos et al.
Intensity interferometry with the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 693-693 (2021)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array first Large Size Telescope real data using convolutional neural networks
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 703- (2021)
Acciari, Victor A et al.
BL Lac object 1ES 0647+250, a decade of MWL observations
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 792- (2021)
Saha, Lab et al.
Understanding the origin of the extended gamma-ray emission and the physical nature of HESS J1841-055 using observations at TeV energies with the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 782- (2021)
Loporchio, Serena et al.
Discovery of TXS 1515-273 at VHE gamma-rays and modelling of its Spectral Energy Distribution
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 801- (2021)
Salafia, Om Sharan et al.
Follow-up observations of GW170817 with the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 944- (2021)
Acciari, Victor A et al.
Resolving the origin of very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from the PeVatron candidate SNR G106.3+2.7 using MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 796- (2021)
López-Oramas, Alicia et al.
#meetTheMAGICians: Science communication and visibility of young researchers
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 1389-1389 (2021)
Fariña, Luis et al.
Gamma-ray performance study of the HERD payload
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 651- (2021)
Acciari, Victor A et al.
Recent results on LIV studies using MAGIC telescopes from the observation of GRB 190114C
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 785- (2021)
Noda, Koji et al.
MAGIC observations of the nearby short GRB 160821B
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 776- (2021)
Acciari, Victor A et al.
Multiwavelength variability and correlation studies of Mrk421 during historically low X-ray and $\gamma$-ray activity in 2015–2016
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 866- (2021)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Development of an advanced SiPM camera for the Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov TelescopeArray Observatory
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 889- (2021)
Acciari, Victor A et al.
Multi-epoch monitoring of TXS 0506+056 with MAGIC and MWL partners
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 875- (2021)
Arbet-Engels, Axel et al.
Extreme blazars under the eyes of MAGIC
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 865- (2021)
Acciari, Victor A et al.
Studying the long-term spectral and temporal evolution of 1ES 1959+650
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 858- (2021)
Arbet-Engels, Axel et al.
Unveiling the complex correlation patterns in Mrk 421
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 834- (2021)
Longo, F et al.
Upper limits on the very high energy emission from GRBs observed by MAGIC
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 820- (2021)
Acciari, Victor A et al.
Multiwavelength monitoring of gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+357 between 2016 and 2020
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 819- (2021)
Zari?, Darko et al.
MAGIC observations of HESS J1809-193 using the Very Large Zenith Angle technique at energies above TeV
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 818- (2021)
Ceribella, Giovanni et al.
MAGIC detection of Geminga: an Inverse Compton tail?
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 816- (2021)
Manganaro, Marina et al.
MAGIC and H.E.S.S. detect VHE gamma rays from the blazar OT081 for the first time: a deep multiwavelength study
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 815- (2021)
Temnikov, Petar et al.
Protons Spectrum from MAGIC Telescopes data
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 231- (2021)
Berti, Alessio et al.
Shedding light on the highest energy emission from GRBs with MAGIC observations
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 787- (2021)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Physics Performance of the Large Size Telescope prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 806- (2021)
Babic, Ana et al.
Search for Gamma-ray Line emission from Dark Matter annihilation in the Galactic Centre with the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 520- (2021)
Acciari, Victor A et al.
Searching for VHE gamma-ray emission associated with IceCube neutrino alerts using FACT, H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 960- (2021)
Puertas et al.
New-physics searches in CP-violating eta muonic decays
Nuclear And Particle Physics Proceedings. 312 201-206 (2021)
Abdalla, Hassan et al.
Combined dark matter searches towards dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT, HAWC, H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 528- (2021)
Ohtani, Yoshiki et al.
Cross-calibration and combined analysis of the CTA-LST prototype and the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 724- (2021)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
First follow-up of transient events with the CTA Large Size Telescope prototype
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 838- (2021)
Levy, Christelle et al.
Robust constraints on Lorentz Invariance Violation from H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS data combination
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 695- (2021)
Batković, Ivana et al.
Commissioning of the camera of the first Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 718- (2021)
Fernández SG et al.
Measurements of luminosity in ATLAS with Tile Calorimeter
Proceedings Of Science. 390 (2021)
Fernández SG et al.
Search for new phenomena in mono-X final states using pp collision data collected in Run-2 by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
Proceedings Of Science. 390 (2021)
Gatti et al.
Weak lensing in DES Y3: redshift distributions, shape catalogue, and mass mapping
et al.
New results of the H+ ? tb search using full Run-2 data with the ATLAS detector
Proceedings Of Science. 390 (2021)
Erler J et al.
Heavy quark masses (from QCD Sum Rules) and their impact on the (g ? 2)?
Proceedings Of Science. 385 (2021)
et al.
A combined description of D+ ? K??+?+ and Ds ? ??K+K+ decays
Proceedings Of Science. 385 (2021)
Berti, A et al.
Following up Transient Sources at Very High Energies with MAGIC
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 633- (2021)
De Angelis, A et al.
All-Sky-ASTROGAM: a MeV Companion for Multimessenger Astrophysics
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 579- (2021)
Doro, M et al.
Toward a Public MAGIC Gamma-Ray Telescope Legacy Data Portal
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 666- (2021)
Oakes, L et al.
Combined Dark Matter searches towards dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT, HAWC, HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 12- (2021)
Di Pierro, F et al.
Monte Carlo Studies of Combined MAGIC and LST1 Observations
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 659- (2021)
Fioretti, V et al.
The Cherenkov Telescope Array sensitivity to the transient sky
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 673- (2021)
Erler, J et al.
Heavy Quark Masses (from QCD Sum Rules) and their impact on the (g-2)μ
10th International Workshop On Charm Physics. 12- (2021)
Maier, G et al.
Long-term gamma-ray observations of the binary HESS J0632+057 with HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 732- (2021)
Maier, G et al.
Performance of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 733- (2021)
Donini, A et al.
The Cherenkov Telescope Array Performance in Divergent Mode
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 664- (2021)
Ballester, O et al.
Raman LIDARs and atmospheric calibration along the line-of-sight of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 814- (2021)
Sánchez-Puertas et al.
A combined description of D+ → K- π+π+ and Ds → π-K+K+ decays
10th International Workshop On Charm Physics. 24- (2021)
Miceli, D et al.
Following up GW Alerts With MAGIC: The Third LIGO/Virgo Observation Run
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 743- (2021)
Sakurai, S et al.
The calibration of the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 780- (2021)
Babic, A et al.
Unravelling the complex behavior of Mrk 421 with simultaneous X-ray and VHE observations during an extreme flaring activity in April 2013
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2019. 624- (2021)
Cameron, David et al.
Evolution of ATLAS analysis workflows and tools for the HL-LHC era
Epj Web Of Conferences. 251 (2021)
Acosta-Silva, Carles et al.
Exploitation of the MareNostrum 4 HPC using ARC-CE
Epj Web Of Conferences. 251 (2021)