External Committees

in 2022


Bosman, Martine

  • Spanish National Contact Physicist, ATLAS ((July 2015-August 2022).
  • Member, International Evaluation Committee of INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Italy).
  • Member, Governing Board of the Royal Academy of Science and Arts of Barcelona
  • External referee, FNRS (Wallonia-Brussels Research Foundation - Belgium)

Juste, Aurelio

  • Referee, Spanish National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (ANEP).
  • External referee, Research Grants Council-Hong Kong, China.
  • Member, Editorial Board of the Journal of Particle Physics.
  • External referee, CFMA03 of the FONCyT, Republica Argentina.
  • Convener, ATLAS Exotics group. (October 2020-September 2022)
  • IFAE Representative, ATLAS Collaboration Board

Korolkov, Ilya

  • Member, Tile Calorimeter Collaboration Institution Board
  • Chair, Tile Calorimeter Luminosity group.
  • Member, ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase-II Upgrade Steering group.

Pacheco, Andrés

  • Coordinator, ATLAS ADC Workflow Management System.
  • Member, ATLAS Distributed Computing Management Board.

Riu, Imma

  • Convener, Higgs Beyond the SM (HBSM) subgroup of the ATLAS Higgs and Diboson Searches (HDBS) group (October 2022-September 2024)
  • Member, Speakers Committee of the ATLAS experiment (October 2019-September 2022).
  • Coordinator, (April 2021-March 2023).

Orlando, NIcola

  • Convener , Higgs Beyond the SM (HBSM) subgroup of the ATLAS Higgs and Diboson Searches (HDBS) group (July 2020-September 2022).
  • Coordinator, ATLAS L1 Topological Trigger Algorithm Commissioning

ATLAS Pixels Group

Grinstein, Sebastián

  • Deputy Project Leader , ATLAS High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) (since 2021)
  • Co-coordinator, HGTD Module
  • Member, ATLAS Project Management Office sub-committee for the Muon System (since 2021)
  • Coordinator, AIDAinnova (H2020-INFRAINNOV-2020-2 EU project) WP5
  • Member, BIST Research Committee (2018 – now)

Terzo, Stefano

  • Coordinator, ITk pixel sensor

Castillo, Lucia

  • Coordinator, ATLAS HGTD Testbeam Coordinator
  • member, GTD Speakers Committee

Neutrinos Group

Lux, Thorsten

  • Co-chair, T2K ND280 Upgrade Working Group: Mechanics and Integration
  • Coordinator, T2K ND280 Upgrade Technical Coordinator
  • Co-leader, T2K ND280 Upgrade Project Leader and NP07 Spokesperson
  • Member, T2K Executive Committee (1 or 4 international members)
  • Member, Editorial Board of the journal "Instruments" from MDPI publisher

Gamma Ray Group

Blanch, Oscar

  • Spokesperson, MAGIC Collaboration.
  • Member, MAGIC Executive Board
  • Member, MAGIC Technical Board
  • Member, MAGIC Collaboration Board
  • Manager, "Largest Cameras 24 UTE" ( IFAE has 81% participation)
  • Member, LST Steering Committee
  • Member, CTA Consortium Board

Rico, Javier

  • Group Leader, Gamma-ray Astronomy Research IFAE group
  • Analysis and Publication Coordinator, MAGIC Collaboration
  • IFAE Representative, ESCAPE General Assembly
  • Member, Comité de Gestión del Port d’Informació Científica (PIC)
  • Principal Investigator, HERD-IFAE group
  • Member, MAGIC Executive Board
  • Member, MAGIC Collaboration Board
  • Member, HERD Publicadtion Board
  • Member, HERD Institute Leader Board

Martínez, Manel

  • Chair, CTA LST Steering Committee.
  • Member, Committee for CTA of the Research Infrastructures for Astronomy committee (RIA)
  • Member, Committee for Infrastructures of the FPA National Program (CIFPA)
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Board of the Helmholtz alliance for Astroparticle Physics (HAP)
  • Spanish Delegate, APIF (Astroparticle Physics International Forum) of OECD.
  • Rapporteur, “Conseil Scientifique International” (CSI) of IN2P3

Kerszberg, Daniel

  • Co-coordinator, MAGIC Astroparticules and Fundamental Physics Working Group
  • Responsible, “LST1 camera operation” in the LST project (unitl March 2022)
  • Member, “LST Physics Committee” in the LST project
  • Camera deputy Convener, LST Project (since April 2022)
  • Member, LST Executive Board
  • Scientific Software deputy convener, NecatrCAM project

Nigro, Cosimo

  • MAGIC representative, Very-High-Energy Open Data Format (VODF, ex GADF) coordination committee;
  • Convener, MAGIC Extragalactic Physics Working Group;
  • Convener, MAGIC Data Legacy Working Group;
  • Member, MAGIC software board

Delgado, Jordi

  • Member, MAGIC software board
  • Offsite It Coordinator, CTA-LST project

Cosmology Group

Miquel, Ramon

  • Chair, DES Builders Committee
  • Member, DES Management Committee
  • Member, DES Publication Board
  • Member, DES Advisory Board
  • Member, DESI Membership Committee
  • Member, Board of the High-Energy and Particle Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS-HEPP)

Padilla, Cristobal

  • Chair, Euclid Speakers Bureau
  • Instrument Scientist, PAU Survey
  • Editor, JINST

Font-Ribera, Andreu

  • Co-convener , DESI Key Project 6: BAO from the Lyman-α forest
  • Member, DESI Meetings Committee
  • Member, DESI Institutional Board
  • Reviewer, Levi Montalcini program (Italy)

Giannini, Giulia

  • Co-convener , DES Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing analysis group
  • Co-convener , DES Photometric Redshifts for Large-Scale Structure analysis group

Ávila, Santiago

  • Co-convener , DES Large-scale structure (LSS) Working Group
  • Member, DES Science Committee
  • Convener , DES Primordial Non-Gaussianities Analysis Team
  • Co-lead, Euclid Simulations for Galaxy Clustering Work Package

The Virgo Group

Martinez, Mario

  • Member, ET Observatory Directorate
  • Member, LVK Climate Change Committee
  • Co-chair, Stray Light Control Working Group at Einstein Telescope
  • National Representative, Virgo
  • Member, Virgo Steering Committee
  • Coordinator, ET-PP Horizon INFRA-DEV EU Project for Einstein Telescope.
  • Member, P2UPG committee at CERN

Ll. Mir

  • Chair, Stray Light Control Working Group at Virgo
  • Member, ET Collaboration Board

A. Macquet

  • Co-chair, All-sky long-duration bursts subgroup at LIGO-Virgo

A. Romero,

  • Leader, Isotropic searches for a GWB subgroup and the MDC subgroup at LIGO-Virgo.

O. Piccinni

  • Coordinator, Div 7 - ET-OSB (Stellar collapse and isolated neutron stars) blue book for the WP2 - Isolated neutron stars
  • Member, Continuous waves detection readiness committee: Internal LVK committee in sight of the first potential CW detection
  • Member, Virgo Steering Committee
  • Representative, Virgo Early Career Scientists

Quantum Computing Technologies Group

Forn-Díaz, Pol

  • Coordinator, AVaQus (Annealing-Based Variational Quantum Processors) FET Open project.
  • Coordinator, SiUCs (Superinductor-Based Ultrastrong Couplings for Quantum Technologies) Quantera project.
  • member of the scientific committee, International Network for Quantum Annealing (INQA), led by Prof. P. Warburton at UCL, UK (2022-Present)
  • Co-chair , Quantum Physics Initiative Work Group Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (2022-Present)
  • Coordination committee, Master on Quantum Science and Technology, University of Barcelona (2021-Present)
  • Secretary-Treasurer , Group Specialized in Quantum Information, Royal Spanish Physics Society (2019-Present).