About IFAE
Scientific Activities
Institutional Activities
Tech. Transfer
Annual Report 2022
in 2022
Carlotto, JI et al.
Characterization of the first RD53A triplet modules assembled at IFAE
Journal Of Instrumentation. 17 (10): C10018- (2022)
Grieco, C et al.
Overview of CNM LGAD results: boron Si-on-Si and epitaxial wafers
Journal Of Instrumentation. 17 (9): C09021- (2022)
García LC et al.
Characterization of Irradiated Boron, Carbon-Enriched and Gallium Si-on-Si Wafer Low Gain Avalanche Detectors
Instruments. 6 (1): (2022)
Escribano, Rafel et al.
Searching for a leptophobic B boson through η → π0γγ and ηʹ → π0γγ decays
Epj Web Of Conferences. 274 (2022)
Živec, M et al.
Observation of the Cumbre Vieja volcano plume above the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos with the Barcelona Raman LIDAR
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2398 (2022)
Schmuckermaier, Felix et al.
Correcting MAGIC Telescope data taken under non-optimal atmospheric conditions with an elastic LIDAR
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2398 (2022)
Gaug, Markus et al.
Seven years of quasi-continuous LIDAR data
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2398 (1): 012010-012010 (2022)
Terzo, Stefano et al.
Performance of radiation hard 3D pixel sensors for the upgrade of the ATLAS Inner Tracker
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2374 (2022)
Aubin, Christopher et al.
The muon anomalous magnetic moment: is the lattice spacing small enough?
Proceedings Of Science. LATTICE2022 300- (2022)
Megias, E et al.
Continuum spectra from warped dimensions
Nuclear And Particle Physics Proceedings. 318 194-198 (2022)
Boito, Diogo et al.
αs from an improved τ vector isovector spectral function
Epj Web Of Conferences. 274 (2022)
Miranda Hernández, Jesús Alejandro et al.
Axial-vector contributions to the HFS of muonic hydrogen
3 1-6 (2022)
Casado et al.
A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment. 1032 166628- (2022)
Matias et al.
Updated patterns of new physics in b $\to s\ell\ell$ transitions after moriond and EPS2019
219-225 (2022)
Mastrogiovanni, Simone et al.
Cosmology in the dark: How compact binaries formation impact the gravitational-waves cosmological measurements
Proceedings Of Science. EPS-HEP2021 098- (2022)
Bogavac et al.
The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter
Proceedings Of Science. EPS-HEP2021 838- (2022)
Vargas et al.
Charged current interactions on hydrocarbon with a single positively charged pion in the final state at the T2K off-axis near detector with 4$\pi$ solid angle acceptance
Proceedings Of Science. NuFact2021 232- (2022)
Romero-Rodríguez et al.
Implications for first-order cosmological phase transitions and the formation of primordial black holes from the third LIGO-Virgo observing run
Proceedings Of Science. EPS-HEP2021 113- (2022)
Zanin, Roberta et al.
CTA – the World’s largest ground-based gamma-ray observatory
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 005- (2022)
Inada, Tomohiro et al.
Search for gamma-ray line emission from Dark Matter annihilation in the Galactic Centre with the MAGIC telescopes
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2156 (2022)
Moralejo et al.
LST-1, the Large-Sized Telescope prototype of CTA. Status and first observations
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2156 (2022)
Megías, Eugenio et al.
Physics of warped dimensions and continuous spectra
Epj Web Of Conferences. 258 (2022)
Llopart X et al.
Timepix4, a large area pixel detector readout chip which can be tiled on 4 sides providing sub-200 ps timestamp binning
Journal Of Instrumentation. 17 (1): (2022)
Jimenez, J et al.
Performance of a ground and space-based MCT detector stressed at low temperature
Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering. 12191 (2022)
Honscheid, K et al.
The DESI Instrument
Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering. 12184 121840X-33 (2022)
Maciaszek, T et al.
Euclid Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer instrument flight model presentation, performance, and ground calibration results summary
Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering. 12180 (2022)
Saito, T et al.
Commissioning of the camera of the first Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 718- (2022)
Inada, T et al.
Search for Gamma-ray Line emission from Dark Matter annihilation in the Galactic Centre with the MAGIC telescopes
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 520- (2022)
D'Amico, G et al.
Recent results on LIV studies using MAGIC telescopes from the observation of GRB 190114C
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 785- (2022)
Fariña, L et al.
Gamma-ray performance study of the HERD payload
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 651- (2022)
Armand, C et al.
Combined dark matter searches towards dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT, HAWC, HESS, MAGIC, and VERITAS
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 528- (2022)
Mejias, DJ et al.
Utilization of a Dynalene Chiller System to provide precision, lower risk, telescope top-end thermal control
Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering. 12182 121823Y- (2022)
Suda, Y et al.
Observation of a relatively low luminosity long duration GRB 201015A by the MAGIC telescopes
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 797- (2022)
López-Coto, R et al.
Physics Performance of the Large-Sized Telescope prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 806- (2022)
Longo, F et al.
Upper limits on the very high energy emission from GRBs observed by MAGIC
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 820- (2022)
Carosi, A et al.
First follow-up of transient events with the CTA Large Size Telescope prototype
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 838- (2022)
Levy, C et al.
Robust constraints on Lorentz Invariance Violation from HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS data combination
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 695- (2022)
Maggio, C et al.
Upper limits on the WIMP annihilation cross section from a joint analysis of dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxy observations with the MAGIC telescopes
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 512- (2022)
Berti, A et al.
Shedding light on the highest energy emission from GRBs with MAGIC observations
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 787- (2022)
Ohtani, Y et al.
Cross-calibration and combined analysis of the CTA-LST prototype and the MAGIC telescopes
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 724- (2022)