
in 2022

  1. Carlotto, JI et al.,
    Characterization of the first RD53A triplet modules assembled at IFAE,
    Journal Of Instrumentation. 17 (10): C10018- (2022) [DOI]
  2. Grieco, C et al.,
    Overview of CNM LGAD results: boron Si-on-Si and epitaxial wafers,
    Journal Of Instrumentation. 17 (9): C09021- (2022) [DOI] [ARXIV]
  3. García LC et al.,
    Characterization of Irradiated Boron, Carbon-Enriched and Gallium Si-on-Si Wafer Low Gain Avalanche Detectors,
    Instruments. 6 (1): (2022) [DOI]
  4. Escribano, Rafel et al.,
    Searching for a leptophobic B boson through η → π0γγ and ηʹ → π0γγ decays,
    Epj Web Of Conferences. 274 (2022) [DOI]
  5. Živec, M et al.,
    Observation of the Cumbre Vieja volcano plume above the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos with the Barcelona Raman LIDAR,
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2398 (2022) [DOI]
  6. Schmuckermaier, Felix et al.,
    Correcting MAGIC Telescope data taken under non-optimal atmospheric conditions with an elastic LIDAR,
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2398 (2022) [DOI]
  7. Gaug, Markus et al.,
    Seven years of quasi-continuous LIDAR data,
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2398 (1): 012010-012010 (2022) [DOI]
  8. Terzo, Stefano et al.,
    Performance of radiation hard 3D pixel sensors for the upgrade of the ATLAS Inner Tracker,
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2374 (2022) [DOI]
  9. Aubin, Christopher et al.,
    The muon anomalous magnetic moment: is the lattice spacing small enough?,
    Proceedings Of Science. LATTICE2022 300- (2022) [DOI] [ARXIV]
  10. Megias, E et al.,
    Continuum spectra from warped dimensions,
    Nuclear And Particle Physics Proceedings. 318 194-198 (2022) [DOI] [ARXIV]
  11. Boito, Diogo et al.,
    αs from an improved τ vector isovector spectral function,
    Epj Web Of Conferences. 274 (2022) [DOI] [ARXIV]
  12. Miranda Hernández, Jesús Alejandro et al.,
    Axial-vector contributions to the HFS of muonic hydrogen,
    3 1-6 (2022) [DOI]
  13. Casado et al.,
    A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade,
    Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment. 1032 166628- (2022) [DOI]
  14. Matias et al.,
    Updated patterns of new physics in b $\to s\ell\ell$ transitions after moriond and EPS2019,
    219-225 (2022) [DOI]
  15. Mastrogiovanni, Simone et al.,
    Cosmology in the dark: How compact binaries formation impact the gravitational-waves cosmological measurements,
    Proceedings Of Science. EPS-HEP2021 098- (2022) [DOI] [ARXIV]
  16. Bogavac et al.,
    The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter,
    Proceedings Of Science. EPS-HEP2021 838- (2022) [DOI]
  17. Vargas et al.,
    Charged current interactions on hydrocarbon with a single positively charged pion in the final state at the T2K off-axis near detector with 4$\pi$ solid angle acceptance,
    Proceedings Of Science. NuFact2021 232- (2022) [DOI]
  18. Romero-Rodríguez et al.,
    Implications for first-order cosmological phase transitions and the formation of primordial black holes from the third LIGO-Virgo observing run,
    Proceedings Of Science. EPS-HEP2021 113- (2022) [DOI]
  19. Zanin, Roberta et al.,
    CTA – the World’s largest ground-based gamma-ray observatory,
    Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2021 005- (2022) [DOI]
  20. Inada, Tomohiro et al.,
    Search for gamma-ray line emission from Dark Matter annihilation in the Galactic Centre with the MAGIC telescopes,
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2156 (2022) [DOI]
  21. Moralejo et al.,
    LST-1, the Large-Sized Telescope prototype of CTA. Status and first observations,
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2156 (2022) [DOI]
  22. Megías, Eugenio et al.,
    Physics of warped dimensions and continuous spectra,
    Epj Web Of Conferences. 258 (2022) [DOI]
  23. Llopart X et al.,
    Timepix4, a large area pixel detector readout chip which can be tiled on 4 sides providing sub-200 ps timestamp binning,
    Journal Of Instrumentation. 17 (1): (2022) [DOI]
  24. Jimenez, J et al.,
    Performance of a ground and space-based MCT detector stressed at low temperature,
    Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering. 12191 (2022) [DOI]
  25. Honscheid, K et al.,
    The DESI Instrument,
    Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering. 12184 121840X-33 (2022) [DOI]
  26. Maciaszek, T et al.,
    Euclid Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer instrument flight model presentation, performance, and ground calibration results summary,
    Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering. 12180 (2022) [DOI]
  27. Saito, T et al.,
    Commissioning of the camera of the first Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 718- (2022)
  28. Inada, T et al.,
    Search for Gamma-ray Line emission from Dark Matter annihilation in the Galactic Centre with the MAGIC telescopes,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 520- (2022)
  29. D'Amico, G et al.,
    Recent results on LIV studies using MAGIC telescopes from the observation of GRB 190114C,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 785- (2022)
  30. Fariña, L et al.,
    Gamma-ray performance study of the HERD payload,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 651- (2022)
  31. Armand, C et al.,
    Combined dark matter searches towards dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT, HAWC, HESS, MAGIC, and VERITAS,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 528- (2022)
  32. Mejias, DJ et al.,
    Utilization of a Dynalene Chiller System to provide precision, lower risk, telescope top-end thermal control,
    Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering. 12182 121823Y- (2022) [DOI]
  33. Suda, Y et al.,
    Observation of a relatively low luminosity long duration GRB 201015A by the MAGIC telescopes,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 797- (2022)
  34. López-Coto, R et al.,
    Physics Performance of the Large-Sized Telescope prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 806- (2022)
  35. Longo, F et al.,
    Upper limits on the very high energy emission from GRBs observed by MAGIC,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 820- (2022)
  36. Carosi, A et al.,
    First follow-up of transient events with the CTA Large Size Telescope prototype,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 838- (2022)
  37. Levy, C et al.,
    Robust constraints on Lorentz Invariance Violation from HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS data combination,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 695- (2022)
  38. Maggio, C et al.,
    Upper limits on the WIMP annihilation cross section from a joint analysis of dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxy observations with the MAGIC telescopes,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 512- (2022)
  39. Berti, A et al.,
    Shedding light on the highest energy emission from GRBs with MAGIC observations,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 787- (2022)
  40. Ohtani, Y et al.,
    Cross-calibration and combined analysis of the CTA-LST prototype and the MAGIC telescopes,
    37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Icrc2021. 724- (2022)