About IFAE
Scientific Activities
Institutional Activities
Tech. Transfer
Annual Report 2023
in 2023
Riccio, Ciro et al.
Total Neutron Cross-Section Measurement on CH with a Novel 3D-Projection Scintillator Detector
8 29- (2023)
Guberman, D et al.
Opening new windows for SiPMs in space experiments with the BETA ASIC
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 085-085 (2023)
Iovenitti, Simone et al.
An engaging solution for the outreach of cosmic-rays science? The innovative “Flashes” web-game!
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1622-1622 (2023)
Schüssler, Fabian et al.
Joint searches by FACT, H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS for VHE gamma-ray emission associated with neutrinos detected by IceCube
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1501- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
RS Ophiuchi nova outburst detection by the LST-1
Proceedings Of Science. Gamma2022 055- (2023)
Abe, Kazuki et al.
Improvement of the follow-up observations of IceCube neutrinos by CTA LST
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1474- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Leptonic and lepto-hadronic time-dependent spectral modeling of VER J0521+211 during the large outburst of February-March 2020.
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1492- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Gamma-ray Spectral Line emission search from Dark Matter Annihilation up to 100 TeV towards the Galactic Centre with MAGIC
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1427- (2023)
Cta et al.
Expected exclusion limits to TeV dark matter from the Perseus Cluster with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1436- (2023)
Saturni, Francesco Gabriele et al.
Dark matter searches in dwarf spheroidal galaxies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1366- (2023)
Abe, Kazuki et al.
Observation of Active Galactic Nuclei with the Large-Sized Telescope prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 711- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Highlights of Galactic Science with the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 955- (2023)
External et al.
Multi-wavelength analysis of the PeVatron candidate LHAASO J2108+5157
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 727- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Low energy performance boost through a hardware stereoscopic trigger between CTA LST1 and MAGIC
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 700- (2023)
Arbet-Engels, Axel et al.
Long-term study of the intermittent extreme behaviour of 1ES 2344+514
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 788- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Multiwavelength characterization of two flaring blazars: insight into the emission region of intermediate-synchrotron-peaked BL Lacs
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 725- (2023)
Grolleron, Guillaume et al.
Variability studies of active galactic nuclei from the long-term monitoring program with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 856- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Long term study of the blazar S5 0716+714: investigating a turbulent jet at all wavelengths
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 900- (2023)
Abe, Kazuki et al.
First Science Results from CTA LST-1 Telescope and status of LST2-4
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 731- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Multiwavelength study of GRB 201216C using the sub-TeV emission detected by MAGIC
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 791- (2023)
Mondal, Habib Ahammad et al.
Constraints on VHE gamma-ray emission of Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars with the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 777- (2023)
Heller, Matthieu et al.
The next generation cameras for the Large-Sized Telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 740- (2023)
Lucchetta, Giulio et al.
Gamma-ray performance of the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) space mission
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 691- (2023)
Gueta, Orel et al.
Performance update of an event-type based analysis for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 738- (2023)
Jimenez-Martinez, Irene et al.
Update on the performance of the MAGIC Intensity Interferometer
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 728- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Defining the data legacy of the MAGIC telescopes: adopting a standardised data format and open-source analysis tools
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 827- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Joint Observation of the Galactic Center with MAGIC and CTA-LST-1
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 573- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
Evidence of hadronic origin of the gamma-ray emission from the nova RS Oph by the MAGIC telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 580- (2023)
Abe, Kazuki et al.
Galactic Center Studies with CTA-LST-1
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 574- (2023)
Abe, Kazuki et al.
LST-1 observations of an enormous flare of BL Lacertae in 2021
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 552- (2023)
Abe, Kazuki et al.
First results of pulsar observations with the LST-1
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 569- (2023)
Abe, Kazuki et al.
Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes pointing determination using the trajectories of the stars in the field of view
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 566- (2023)
Green, Jarred Gershon et al.
Chasing Gravitational Waves with the Chereknov Telescope Array
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1534- (2023)
Dominik, Rune Michael et al.
Interpolation of Instrument Response Functions for the Cherenkov Telescope Array in the Context of pyirf
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 618- (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
The MAGIC of VHE gamma-ray astronomy: 20 years, 200 peer-reviewed publications and beyond
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 624- (2023)
Abe, Kazuki et al.
Characterization of SiPM and development of test bench modules for the next-generation cameras for Large-Sized Telescopes for Cherenkov Telescope Array
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 635- (2023)
Abe, Kazuki et al.
The Real Time Analysis framework of the Cherenkov Telescope Array's Large-Sized Telescope
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 616- (2023)
Di Pierro, Federico et al.
Performance of joint gamma-ray observations with MAGIC and LST-1 telescopes
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 636- (2023)
Abe, Kazuki et al.
Detection of the 2021 Outburst of RS Ophiuchi with the LST-1
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 677-677 (2023)
Abe, Hyuga et al.
A survey to evaluate diversity, equity and inclusion in large collaborations
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1610-1610 (2023)
Consortium, The CTA et al.
Performance of the Large-Sized Telescope prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 594- (2023)
Schüssler, Fabian et al.
tilepy: rapid tiling strategies in mid/small FoV observatories
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1590-1590 (2023)
Abbott, R et al.
The first joint observation by KAGRA with GEO 600
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1579- (2023)
Viale, Ilaria et al.
Development of hadronic emission processes in the open-source python package AGNpy
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1524- (2023)
Brown, Anthony M et al.
Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to the gamma-ray emission from neutrino sources detected by IceCube
Proceedings Of Science. ICRC2023 1531- (2023)
Bianchi, Silvia De et al.
Re-thinking geometrogenesis: Instantaneity in quantum gravity scenarios
2533 (2023)
Tian, Yusong et al.
ATLAS ITk Pixel Pre-production Planar Sensor Characterisation for the HL-LHC Upgrade
Proceedings Of Science. Pixel2022 067- (2023)
Megias, E et al.
Continuum spectra from warped dimensions (vol 318, pg 194, 2022)
Nuclear And Particle Physics Proceedings. 318 199-199 (2023)
Nigro et al.
Establishing the MAGIC data legacy: adopting standardised data formats and open-source analysis tools
Proceedings Of Science. Gamma2022 122-122 (2023)
Mender, Simone et al.
Computing sky maps using the open-source package Gammapy and MAGIC data in a standardized format
Proceedings Of Science. Gamma2022 215- (2023)
Boito, Diogo et al.
$\alpha_s(m_\tau)$ from an improved vector isovector spectral function
Proceedings Of Science. ICHEP2022 797- (2023)
Acernese, F et al.
The Advanced Virgo plus status
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2429 12039- (2023)
Acernese, F et al.
Advanced Virgo Plus: Future Perspectives
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2429 12040- (2023)
Pineda et al.
Numerical evidence of renormalons in four dimensional gauge theories
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2438 12146- (2023)
Schneider, M et al.
On the Resilience of Black Hole Evaporation: Gravitational Tunneling through Universal Horizons
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 2531 12013- (2023)
Eslava D et al.
Surface Acoustic Wave Filters for Superconducting Qubits
Ieee Mtt-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. 2023-June 676-679 (2023)