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Abbott, R et al.
GWTC-3: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the Second Part of the Third Observing Run
Physical Review x. 13 (4): 041039- (2023)
Onofrio, LD' et al.
Search for gravitational wave signals from known pulsars in LIGO-Virgo O3 data using the 5n-vector ensemble method
Physical Review d. 108 (12): 122002- (2023)
Morrás, G et al.
Analysis of a subsolar-mass compact binary candidate from the second observing run of Advanced LIGO
Physics Of The Dark Universe. 42 101285- (2023)
D'Antonio, Sabrina et al.
Semicoherent method to search for continuous gravitational waves
Physical Review d. 108 (2023)
Andrés-Carcasona, M et al.
Fast Bayesian gravitational wave parameter estimation using convolutional neural networks
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society. 527 (2): 2887-2894 (2023)
Andrés-Carcasona, M et al.
Study of scattered light in the main arms of the Einstein Telescope gravitational wave detector
Physical Review d. 108 (10): 102001- (2023)
Abbott, R et al.
Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB during the LIGO-Virgo Observing Run O3a
Astrophysical Journal Letters. 955 (2): 155- (2023)
Acernese, F et al.
Virgo detector characterization and data quality: results from the O3 run
Classical And Quantum Gravity. 40 (18): 185006- (2023)
Acernese, F et al.
Virgo detector characterization and data quality: tools
Classical And Quantum Gravity. 40 (18): 185005- (2023)
Abbott, R et al.
Open Data from the Third Observing Run of LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 267 (2): 29- (2023)
Acernese, F et al.
Frequency-Dependent Squeezed Vacuum Source for the Advanced Virgo Gravitational-Wave Detector
Physical Review Letters. 131 (4): 041403- (2023)
Christos Karathanasis et al.
GWSim: A python package to create GW mock samples for different astrophysical populations and cosmological models of binary black holes
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 677 A124-A124 (2023)
Gair, JR et al.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Catalog Approach for Dark Siren Gravitational-wave Cosmology
Astronomical Journal. 166 (1): (2023)
Renzini, AI et al.
pygwb: A Python-based Library for Gravitational-wave Background Searches
Astrophysical Journal Letters. 952 (1): 25- (2023)
Branchesi, M et al.
Science with the Einstein Telescope: a comparison of different designs
Journal Of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics. (7): 68- (2023)
Karathanasis, C et al.
Binary black holes population and cosmology in new lights: signature of PISN mass and formation channel in GWTC-3
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society. 523 (3): 4539-4555 (2023)
Andres-Carcasona, M et al.
Searches for mass-asymmetric compact binary coalescence events using neural networks in the LIGO/Virgo third observation period
Physical Review d. 107 (8): 82003- (2023)
Macquet, A et al.
Simulations of light distribution on new instrumented baffles surrounding Virgo end mirrors
Classical And Quantum Gravity. 40 (7): 77001- (2023)
Abbott, R et al.
Population of Merging Compact Binaries Inferred Using Gravitational Waves through GWTC-3
Physical Review x. 13 (1): 11048- (2023)
Magliano, C et al.
The TESS Triple-9 Catalog II: a new set of 999 uniformly vetted exoplanet candidates
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society. 521 (3): 3749-3764 (2023)
Andres-Carcasona, M et al.
Instrumented baffle for the Advanced Virgo input mode cleaner end mirror
Physical Review d. 107 (6): 62001- (2023)
Lewicki, M et al.
Impact of LIGO-Virgo black hole binaries on gravitational wave background searches
European Physical Journal c. 83 (2): 168- (2023)
Andres-Carcasona, M et al.
Toward a Quantitative Understanding of Robert's Rising Thermal Bubble as a Benchmark for 3D Atmospheric Codes
Monthly Weather Review. 151 (2): 509-522 (2023)