About IFAE
Scientific Activities
Institutional Activities
Tech. Transfer
Annual Report 2023
in 2023
Doctoral Thesis
Ammara Ahmad
Calibration of the ATLAS central hadronic Tile calorimeter in LHC Run-2 and beyond
Wednesday 25 Jan 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Pilar Casado, Ilya Korolkov and Henric Wilkens
, (UAB)
Stergios Kazakos
Measurement of the inclusive and differential cross sections of the associated production of a top- quark pair and a W boson, and search for leptoquarks in multilepton final states with the ATLAS detector
Thursday 26 Jan 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Aurelio Juste
, (UAB)
Adrià Salvador
Searches for new neutral and charged scalars with multiple top and bottom quarks in Run 2 pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Thursday 27 Apr 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Imma Riu
, (UAB)
Emilio Royo
Phenomenological aspects of the eta and eta’ mesons
Friday 30 June 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Rafel Escribano
, (UAB)
Manuel David Artero
Gamma-Rays and Multi-Messenger Signatures from Transient Phenomena
Friday 21 Jul 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Oscar Blanch, Manuel Delfíno, Daniel Kerszberg
, (UAB)
Yann Cado
Baryogenesis and Inflation from the Higgs sector
Friday 28 Jul 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Mariano Quirós and Àlex Pomarol
, (UAB)
Leonardo Badurina
Ultralight Dark Matter Phenomenology at Atom Interferometers
December 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Diego Blas
, (King’s College London, UK)
Gaia Grosso
Searching for Unexpected New Physics at the LHC with Machine Learning
31 May 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Andrea Wulzer
, (CERN & Univ. Padova)
Master Thesis
Walter Riquelme
Primordial non-Gaussianity with the Dark Energy Survey
16 October 2023,
Thesis Advisor: S. Ávila
, (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Juan Jiménez Quiles
Observations of very-high-energy gamma-ray sources with MAGIC and LST-1 in stereoscopic mode
Thesis Advisor: Abelardo Moralejo
Maniadakis, Dimitrios Konstantinos
Development of a lepto-hadronic model of the high-energy emission of Active Galactic Nuclei
April 5, 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Cosimo Nigro
, (
Snigho Chakraborty
Search for vector-like leptons in the ATLAS detector
May 2023,
Thesis Advisor: N. Agaras, A. Juste
, (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research-Kolkata)
Sayantan Dutta
Search for vector-like leptons in the 4321 model using the ATLAS detector
May 2023,
Thesis Advisor: A. Juste, J. Mamuzic
, (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research-Kolkata)
Iker Vea LLadser
Search for vector-like leptons using signatures with light leptons and taus in the ATLAS experiment
September 2023,
Thesis Advisor: A. Juste, J. Mamuzic
, (UAB)
Marc Cunill Vall
Search for leptoquarks in tau final states with the full Run 2 dataset
September 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Aurelio Juste
, (UAB)
Atanay Rodriguez Odella
Search for new phenomena in 5-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector
September 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Aurelio Juste
, (UAB)
Guillermo Baltà Foix.
Dark Matter Superfluidity
July 2023.,
Thesis Advisor: Diego Blas
, (UAB)
Suneel Gupta
New Physics Searches using low-energy Parity Violating Experiments
September 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Pere Masjuan
, (UAB)
Arnau Beltran
Hadronic Vacuum Polarization contribution to the muonic anomalous moment using Analytic QCD.
September 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Pere Masjuan
, (UAB)
Michael Stadler
Exploring the interplay between particle physics and epidemiology: unraveling the COVID-19 propagation's dynamics using group theory.
September 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Pere Masjuan
, (UAB)
Cristina Mardones.
Towards enhancing neural efficiency: neurogenesis as a deterministic process tuned by physical properties.
September 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Pere Masjuan
, (BIST)
Julio A. Merchand Medina
Electroweak Axionic Strings
June 2023,
Thesis Advisor: Oriol Pujolàs
, (UAB)
D. Jimeno.
Pile-up rejection using Convolutional Neural Networks in the IWCD detector
June 2023,
Thesis Advisor: M. Pilar Casado
, (UAB)